You are listening to Razzio!

Dear listener, we welcome you to Razzio. An audio platform born as part of anfassignment in our start-up lab, within the theme of “audio diversity”. Sounds confusing right? We know! But give us a minute to fully explain..!

Nowadays there is a great variety of audio platforms and social media platforms, where people have the ability to express their opinions, listen to music or podcasts which vary in quality, quantity (episodes, albums), or content. But, for better or for worse, none of those platforms have a specific topic or genre of performing content. That’s the gap we’re intending to fill in!

Allow us to introduce you to this new audio platform, which is here for solemnly one purpose: to broaden our horizons –and we mean that, literally! This new platform’s name is Razzio, a name that was born through the combination of the words Radio & Razza, the Italian word for “race”.

Razzio’s innovative creation is here to bring a different aura to the world of audio platforms! We live in a world that’s constantly evolving by the second! And we can’t possibly deny that part of the world’s evolution happens, due to the extended usage and role of social media in our everyday lives. Let us focus on that for a moment! Social media are directly related to communication, and are in fact the most used forms and tools of / for communication nowadays. But have you ever asked yourself this: since we live in the era of communication, the era where contacting with people all around the world is a matter of seconds- how can racism, homophobia, sexism and discrimination of all kinds, still exist? How can we still find ways to communicate under a sheet of negativity?

The answer we give, is; We actually lack healthy and in depth communication with the people around us. What if we could change that? What if we told you we can! The question is: Do we want to?! We sure do!

Can you imagine a victim of harassment or abuse being able to express themselves, share their experiences and find genuine general public and professional support?

Can you imagine a person that has just come out of prison or rehab discussing their difficulties in finding a job and being reintroduced into society?

Can you imagine two completely different people, with strongly opposing views in life, sitting across each other and starting a conversation about their differences, all whilst having their higher goal be understanding the person standing in front of them?

Well…we can! We did!

That vision is what brought Razzio to life! A platform where we’ll invite willing individuals, who want to share their life experiences -even if they are not the happiest ones to tell- in order to help others express similar experiences and create a domino effect of speaking up, or even teach us a lesson about aspects of society we never thought existed!

We’ll also invite people with opposing -or even “rival”- points of view in life, and we’ll challenge them on a “sit down” with each other, under the purpose of expressing and discussing how and why they view the person across from them and what they represent as harmful, threatening, or simply weird.

The host is going to be a person who’s qualified on the matters of discussion (sociologist/ psychologist/ councilor) and will keep an objective attitude, which will allow them to guide the conversation or -if needed- restore the balance on the debate.

The guests are going to be simple, everyday citizens who are willing to -not only- share their experiences or express their view of life and certain aspects of it, but also learn from their co-speakers, even if their opinions are polar opposites! Diversity exists all around us and it evolves like society does, but only we can stop the vicious circle of relating diversity with discrimination. After all, why stand behind and be afraid of the unknown when you can learn something from it?!

At the end of the day if we were all the same the world would be a pretty boring place! Don’t you agree?

Join us in and share your opinion, your story, or message us and YOU might be our next guest!

With love,

Polishing Reputation.


αναστασία σπν.

Anna Bertsou

Thanos Loukos



Betty Tsakarestou

