You are listening to Razzio! Pitch analysis for our StartUp.

Who are we?

This is Polishing Reputation speaking, a team made for the sake of AD&PR Lab. One thing you must know about us is we are all about equality!.. Our team is consisted of two girls and two boys. Seems fair, right?! But enough about us. We are here to proudly present you Razzio!

What is Razzio?

The name of our new audio platform of course! What does it mean (?) I hear you ask and rightfully so! In fact we are rather proud of that name, it’s the combination of two words that many of you probably already know. Radio and Razza, which in Italian means race, are the roots that brought Razzio to life.

Why Razzio?

Razzio is an audio platform which aims to be a safe place for all! And we mean that literally. Yes, there is a variety of audio platforms -developing or/and thriving- that want to cover social matters through podcasts, songs poems or even conversations among the hosts or some special guests. But that exactly is the gap they leave in the market. Those kinds of platforms are not that inclusive and are not covering a certain layering of topics. But we will!

Our vision…

While prejudice and discrimination continues to exist all around us we still shut our eyes closed, at their sight. You’d believe that in 2022 those kinds of problematic narratives wouldn’t exist but you couldn’t be more wrong and unfortunately the pandemic only highlighted events that remind us, that not many things have changed. In a world where marginalized groups and communities are being muted we had the –some might say- innovative idea to create a platform where YOUR voice is now heard! Razzio won’t have influential or popular guests nor the hosts are going to be the protagonists. We give the mic to the next door neighbour who can’t find a job, to that colleague at work who has been harassed by the boss, to the Muslim delivery man who brings the pizza in our home always with a smiley face and so many more people who have a story to tell, or a different point of life to present!

From an idea into reality

The first step was of course, to have a clear vision of what we want our platform to represent. Once we got that ready we started researching. What does the market has to offer? First of all, a rich variety of audio platforms such as Clubhouse, Twitter Spaces, Spotify Greenroom, Reddit talks, Swell, Quilt and the list goes on. Those platforms thrived during the pandemic but seemed to be slowly fading with end of it. Why? Our opinion is they simply became- well ‘démodé’! Don’t get us wrong! We actually look up to some of those platforms, but they have some noticeable flaws nevertheless. The topics they covered, even if they were related with social issues weren’t to the point. One host would be talking more than the other and in the end they’d end up having a monologue instead of a dialogue or a productive conversation. And that’s the gap we aim to fill. We found out that the market is in need for some drastic inclusivity. For us the desire to be open and democratic is a priority and we strongly believe that our most important business opportunity right now is a simple fact that many audio platforms have intentionally or unintentionally ignored: Social audio must rely on dialogue between users and not monologue.

The problem and the solution

Now that we know what the market lacks of we can break through the problem and find the proper solution that our platform is going to offer. Since there are no places for everybody to raise their voice especially marginalized minorities, we ought to deliver exactly that. Our platform is not only a tool of equality but it is relying on communication, understanding, awareness and respect. In Razzio everybody can express their opinions and thoughts, learn and teach through real life experiences and hopefully, slow but steady, help bridge unnecessary gaps between societies.

Our features

Of course an idea can’t stand on its own, so we had to decide how many and of what kind, our features would be. First of all, we realized the Greek market has a very similar amount of Android and iOs users something that we had to take into consideration on the accessibility field. Our app will be available on both the above systems and we’ll also have a promo page for online users that will contain a brief of what we are and what do we do along with a link that’s going to transfer them to our platform. We also decided to follow the example of other audio platforms and have not only a free but also a premium feature for users who want to have access in all of our content without having to endure advertisements. Other than that we also had to take into consideration that not everybody has the same preferences that’s how we had categorisation filters that will suggest you content according to your personalized features. Privacy for us matters but also does communication. That’s why we give to the user the ability to keep their profile private or make it public, factor that allows him to participate in community chats. As of content, audio is the one and main primary channel of communication, through podcasts, live conversation and debates between completely different people, special guests (for example content creators) and last but certainly not least, we aim to cooperate (invite or/and interview) with rehabilitation centres and the people who need such facilities in order to find their place back in the society.

Starter pack and income

Before we continue, to why our platform genuinely benefits its users, we believe we should give you a brief idea of how much money we’d have to invest in order to make our dream reality. We had to think rationally and we shortly came to the conclusion, the most important thing we needed was a secluded place with low rent that we can host our podcasts. Fortunately, one of us has a small apartment that we can easily transform into a studio without spending any extra money on rent. Yet we need to focus on finding professional equipment so we can provide quality content for the user and also we’ll need to invest some money in renovating the apartment to not only make it more practical but also appealing and cosy for people to feel comfortable in. Those factors combined along with some extra we might need for unpredicted events reach the price of 8thousand dollars. Yes, we are aware it’s a considerable amount of money but from research we have made we found out the government sponsors young startupers, so we hopefully we will be able to start up our business without major initial outlay. As of our first incomes and exposure we mainly focus on Affiliate Marketing –advertising- on the app. Other than that, we believe that the subscriptions combined with the popularity of the streams will be quite efficient as a source of our first incomes.

The protagonists

Of course we couldn’t have achieved a complete presentation if we didn’t have an idea to whom we are talking to. Our guiding line was that, there have to be simple people, the friendly neighbor, that lady who is a gossiping grandma but also knows how to use Facebook so she can comment on every post! That man from Afghanistan that delivered your pizza order last week and even though he seemed exhausted gave you the most genuine smile when you tipped him! That boy who lives upstairs with his family, you heard he got a scholarship into law school his parents would be proud and yet you hear them arguing because he has a boyfriend and not a girlfriend! And of course your elementary school friend that you met the other day after all those years only to see her crying outside her home because she was ashamed her boss yet again touched her inappropriately. These people exist, these and so many others that up until now didn’t have a safe space to turn to, to speak up, ask for help, share their experiences and learn as well. But now they do!

Cause in Razzio, we hear YOU!

With love,

Polishing Reputation

Our Team:

Anna Bertsou

Thanos Loukos


αναστασία σπν.

Our Professor:

Betty Tsakarestou

