Entrepreneur Tools E1 — How to address your audience in a pitch

Saif Morshed
Published in
33 min readApr 26, 2022

This story was migrated from our old blog, originally published on November 24th, 2020.

The tool forces you, to step outside of your normal experience and explain your thoughts to an external person. … the person will ask “what is in it for me”
Holger Heinze, Serial Entrepreneur

Entrepreneur Tools

This is a new series, within Startuprad.io’s YouTube Blog. We meet a lot of people and of course, we talk with some of them about the typical entrepreneur problems. Sometimes an entrepreneur solves known problems in a very systematic way, which we find great, or has great insights. In both cases, we will talk to him or her and bring you these recordings as entrepreneur tools.

We are looking forward to your feedback.

The Entrepreneur

Holger has been a stable of the Frankfurt Entrepreneurship for quite some time. He has been active in the scene for more than eight years now, we met him and his partner when they wanted to set up a sustainable version of Amazon, called Monagoo. This venture failed, but Holger (https://www.linkedin.com/in/holgerheinze/) learned a lot and is now sharing some of his knowledge with our audience.

I founded my first company when I was 17, because I had to, I wanted to write an invoice.
Holger Heinze, Serial Entrepreneur

Affiliate Links

Is your startup in need of a bank account in Germany? Try our partner affiliate Penta http://bit.ly/3bdHX3d

Looking to open a bank account to shift between crypto and fiat? Try our partner Bitwala with this affiliate link here http://bit.ly/2w01Zye

I also founded some more exotic companies, like a sports events company, and a company to help professional athletes to get in the normal workforce after their careers
Holger Heinze, Serial Entrepreneur

The Tool

Holger introduces us to the NOVA Canvas, a tool to pin down Needs, Objectives, Values, and Analysis. The tool can be applied quite broadly, like in product development, but we apply it today for your preparation for an online pitch.

I co-founded an online shop, which wanted to be the green and sustainable Amazon.
Holger Heinze, Serial Entrepreneur

The Nova Canvas is a noticeably lightweight tool, which forces you through the eyes of your potential customer and or investor.

Find the tool here: https://www.odonovan.de/publikationen/nova-canvas/

The Video Interview is set to go live on Tuesday 24th of November 2020

Note: We had technical difficulties in the first version. This is the 2nd upload where we fixed the issue. Thank you for letting us know.

Further Readings / Additional Resources

This overhead projector was once widely used, call it a stone-age version of a beamer 😊 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overhead_projector


Reach out to us, here is our audience survey, to give us feedback, suggest topics, interview partners or just to say “Hallo!” https://forms.gle/mLV6mVKwGwKuut8BA

The Interviewer

This interview was conducted by Jörn “Joe” Menninger, startup scout, founder, and host of Startuprad.io. Reach out to him:

Automated Transcript

[0:00] Music.

[0:16] And Live Events welcome everybody this is Joe from celebrated oh your startup podcast and you to block from Germany today you are
looking at the first episode of another occasionally.
Serious within startup right dot IO we decided to do we call it entrepreneurial tools and we are talking about the nuts and bolts of Entrepreneurship tools that would help you to do
stuff and get shit done for the first episode I do have Holger he with me he somebody you may recognize when you’ve been.
Active in the Frankfurt startup scene a few years ago he’s a Serial entrepreneur but let’s introduce yourself right.

[1:03] Hi and thanks for having me my name is Helga very happy to be on the entrepreneur tools podcast I brought you a little tool
that that I’ve developed over the last couple of years in in different startups and working as a start-up mentor
it’s a tool that helps us it’s very it’s very tiny but it helps us in a very easy way to
create empathy for the people we try to reach to work on our communication and on our products and we’re going to we’re going to look at that tool now and we’re going to talk about it.
Would I actually really do like about tools it’s not that you should be chained to the tool and just only think in terms of those limitations but I would
what I really like about great tools is you can make sure you don’t forget any important aspect because when you just sitting on on the table and thinking about stuff you’re likely to forget
important aspects and that’s where tools are actually
helping can take us it’s just a tiny bit through your entrepreneurial Journey before we get into the real stuff.

[2:16] Sure basically it started in 1998 1999.
I got I got back from the United States and I had learned something over there that was very new I was able to program HTML
back then we called it programming HTML with the you don’t say that anymore but back then we did and I started working on websites and I found it my first company when I was 17 because.
I had to because I had.
Worked and I needed to write write an invoice to someone and I couldn’t because I was still a student still the legal state of the student so I actually I went to court and.
I got a court order that said that I was an adult when I was 17 so that I could actually do business.

[3:06] Within you know with my first company that founded so I built a couple of companies back then that we’re basically around digitalization,
building building websites little bit Consulting project.
I went into like the classical management and strategy Consulting then for a while.
I found it an open source project that was about financial modeling.

[3:31] Um I did a bit of more Consulting I found it some more exotic things I found it a.
A sports event company I founded in a company working with with professional athletes.
And their transition after their career if they’re not millionaires by then their transition into into the workforce so.
I’ve always had an interest in teaching and education.
I’ve worked for the state of Germany with regards to how can we teach people the skills that they need to work in a digitalized environment.
You know if you’re 40 or 50 it’s been 20 years that you’ve looked at a school book learning isn’t the first thing you do or studying and now your job changes radically and you need new skills.
Or you are obsolete what you do about that so I researched scientifically little bit about that.
I founded a specialized company for luxurious hotels.

[4:40] I’m doing mystery guest reviews and visits with hotels checking their performance.
Against needs and values of their clients and teaching them how to work on the experience and the journey
working with TripAdvisor shitstorms and how to how to game TripAdvisor that sort of thing and the last big thing I found it was a was an online shop.
We wanted to be the green and sustainable Amazon.

[5:10] In a way we got there we were in some listings were were number one in the German market for this particular Niche but it didn’t work out.

[5:20] For various reasons.
And then I went back into into Consulting and mentoring worked as a mentor for the social impact Hub in Frankfort social impact lab.

[5:34] Build up a digital agency and now I’m back as a strategy consultant and and startup mentor and coach.

[5:42] We may add for our audiences residing outside of Germany you get legally competent meaning you can sign contracts for yourself in Germany only at,
teen years old so that’s why you had to go to court to open a company usually that’s not necessary that said let us get a little bit into the tools you brought,

Nova Canvas

[6:05] with the you right
okay so we’re going to look at a couple of slides if you can look at them because it’s running in the background or some like that don’t worry about it we’re going to describe it it’s very easy it’s very easy little tool
and we call it the Nova approach Nova stands for needs objective values and Analysis.
And we’re going to dive into this it’s a super easy four step approach to understand and to challenge yourself what is it that my client or the person I’m trying to sell something to a person trying to convince them something what they need.

[6:40] So it forces you to think that way what do they need,
and to step away from your own knee we’re using this the reason we’re using this I’m with I’m with O’Donovan Consulting now and action figures here’s your specs and Figures were very
Consortium pretty Consulting Boutique specialize in
consumer and customer centricity so we do any sort of work where it’s about understanding customer the human aura or customer this can be
Ecommerce Concepts or e-commerce assessments Journey mapping.
Has a lot to do with customer service processes and it can also be very very be to be kind of projects where classical project would be hasn’t on company has a new software their digitalizing and it doesn’t work,
for some reason people aren’t
pulling on board or not they’re not pulling their weight they’re not ization thing using resistant you just legislation thing they’re resisting the change and then we look at what is it that they need why aren’t they why aren’t they on board
couple of that’s the business we doing here’s a couple of our clients and well-known brand now let the German market and now let’s look at the so the over canvas.

[7:51] First saw the Nova again four step approach we looked at ejected me we look at the objectives and we’ll look at the value on the opposite.
And the whole thing starts with a trigger sort of situation so in any sort of situation and we’re going to go through two examples in a minute.
We’re going to look at my customer the person on the other side of this conversation of this dialogue begins on a website or via it in person they’re on a journey they’re moving towards something and hopefully they’re moving toward something that I have.
This isn’t this doesn’t work to sell something to someone that they don’t you know
if you know my my only product is a hammer and they don’t need a hammer this is probably not going to help you,
but in all the cases where your product is a fit the first thing you look at is what.
So the first thing we look at is what’s the trigger what sent this person on a journey in math will end them upward in my the name Mike or look at it
the next thing we look at is knee and this is the Deep psychological psychological definition of a seat.

[8:55] Basically security fears security
see being heard being seen being appreciated being a being appreciated exactly being appreciated exactly so there’s there’s a set of
Hugh about 30 all share basic human needs that we all share and in the situation that we’re looking at with Anova model that are dumb there is a couple of them that are dominating if I’m looking for a lawyer to help me.
Then probably my basic needs for orientation
for protection and are are more dominant than other night if I’m looking to buy a 20 thousand dollar gold watch.

[9:36] See my need to be seen or my need for status,
in is likely to be dominating in this situation okay so I fill out the canvas for this particular thing looking at this is the next thing is the objective that is the actual
Target the goal you know if he come from solution-based selling that’s the problem we’re trying to fix for that’s the job to be done whatever you want to call it
that’s the concrete the specific thing this person needs are watch racialized lawyer or a specialized lawyer the third thing is value the third thing we look at is value and this isn’t abstract values we’re all name.

[10:12] We’re all the same women are as smart as men women are as smart as men but sort of values.
This is how does the customer perceived value.
What is very valuable to them just show the the chart that shows my company where 11 people
with customers who Valley connect with customers who value small Consulting boutiques a customer values a 20,000 consultant Enterprise over a small consulting firm,
right there one connect the type of right what do I perceive so this is the type of how do I perceive and Value phone number and then what the canvas does is it forces you once you’ve once you’ve realized what the trigger is.

[10:52] To always find a match to to always match to match an emotional response to the needs of my needles I’m looking for a lawyer I need protection the emotional responses we understand you’re looking for a lawyer because you want safety you want orientation that’s the emotional,
William executive call it the pledge with the objective we call it the pledged benefit so again it’s the match we understand you’re looking for a gold watch that is very big and very heavy
here’s a photo of gold watch that makes absolutely sure you understand how goddamn have you that watch it
and then the value and then the value is again addressing and and matching and and creating what is called a resonance right if we connected
that would be the value of this to this of climate change this stammers off it line our potential customers — it is not like that,
golden one
- dude your forehead the golden watch right no not exactly so so when we’re in the in the watching example are getting I’m value I’m targeting customers who value with handmade watches
so I’m going to address that or I’m in a segment where I know that the customer will appreciate good value for money.

[12:03] That’s that’s the value perception of him so I will tell him you get a pretty decent what’s called an English the inner workings of the watch for the best price in the market for
right now go to the client to get its valuable to the client to get a good for the buck should bang for the buck and that way the music
we all that way I we all walked through the mental situations with like a mental checklist things we like things we need to hear,
emotions that were carrying and this little tool this little one-page for able canvassing,
forces me to think what are the check was items object of the other person and how can I take them one watch Chris like one watch company who actually advertisers with
he don’t own this what you just take care for it off it for the next Generation something like this it talks to you values whether that’s something you want to hand it over to the next Generation about stuff like this
just keeping through the watch example.

[13:06] That’s basically it so that’s that’s basically it look for the psychological emotional needs in that situation look for the actual specific objective look for how does that person perceived value and that situation.
Through and then give them
answered me that connect needs with those with those needs with those checkboxes and then you create resonance standing up and you’ll have a conversion you’ll have something happening you’ll get,
to your goal and I’ve prepared two examples that we can look at right now how applied
up we’ve been talking about what a couple we’ve been talking about was how to prepare tgy business angel I don’t believe right now that is a lot of interest and a lot of
people I do believe right now a lot of people out there are interested in being well prepared for each tools I think so we talked about tools I think this is a very Universal tool it’s like 25 my mother has 25 Tools in her kitchen that are specialized and I have a knife
that does all of the things that those 25 things duel.
Tools more the knife type of it so you can use it in very very different areas and I’ve used this.

[14:18] Quite often in a sales talks in pitches in designing websites in designing.
I even went through this put you into this to understand what do I need to do to get on this podcast absolutely were so we could say it’s so we could say something like ideas with army knife of entrepreneurs,
Swiss army knife what’s a Swiss Swiss army knife for forcing yourself to become empathetic,
to create empathy because that’s what it’s all about need to understand what does the other person need thing,
and then see do I have something that fits that okay great now I can package it in a way that they understand it if I have because most of the times if I have a fit of other product Market fit me loose.
We lose so much in Translation and you know you walk outside of a pitch situation and you don’t win the pitch but you’re sure what you have is exactly what they need but you didn’t connect,
this is the tool that make sure you connect more times okay look at the pitch example if you want so let’s look at the pitch example if you want.

Nova Canvas Example — Preparation Business Angel Pitch

[15:17] Court yes sure though that is the basic scenario but the idea is the basic scenario is we have the opportunity to pitch to local business Angel Association
um we have a start-up want to make sure that and we want to make sure that with our pitch we necked with it.
We connect with as many of the business angels that are there as possibly so.

[15:41] The first thing is what is the trigger and the trigger is now we’re in the shoes of that business Angelo we want to reach so.
For the example we figured out there’s business angels the accomplishments are managers accomplished managers they just retired.

[15:56] Have a nice they keep working and I have a need to keep working in a business context because you know now they’re not in their company anymore they miss the business.
So maybe this business Angel were looking at or will we have a Persona if you will about.
She met the local business engine Association is at the event for the first time now there’s a
this is the trigger this is the set on equip or of the person were trying to connect with think about
so let’s think about that that’s Persona that business Angel ey what is it that an emotionally why would she be there what what is her needs she needs to be seen she wants to feel acknowledged again there’s no you know retirement there’s not much connection anymore she used to be very present now she’s not anymore
she misses the success that she had with her previous job and maybe it’s just she wants to be busy she needs to do something which can be a great a great driver to do anything.

[16:53] So we look at this this is what we write down for this Persona so these are the emotional needs that we’re going to address
specific objective now what’s the actual specific objective so let’s say the business Angel we want to connect with should be looking for an investment because we’re not trying to make friends trying to get investors.

[17:12] Let’s let’s let’s be realistic this is business angels is play money for rich people so 20 to 50,000.
You’re not going to be your ticket it’s probably not going to be a bigger ticket if it is it’ll develop anyways but this is this what we’re going for.

[17:29] And we want this within the next two months she wants.

[17:34] She wants it or on you know this is where we want to connect on that specific benefit so what do we think that she values
let’s say and this is something that you can fine-tune in the pitch if you have the opportunity let them introduce themselves because they will tell you
about their values right we can even think about and we can simulate we can think about and we can simulate needs and needs the objectives are pretty clear but the values you have to learn from this
in this clip on the other side of the table in the maybe in this case so maybe good idea 22
call to talk on do business in love front how would you make you trust me bored of this at least a small part of this you look conversations of what you looking for the values of the business angel
I would personally I’m I wouldn’t personally I’m a very straight out so I would ask I would say what you know what kind of startup would you invest in.

[18:34] What’s important for you,
you tell me a story mom can you can you tell me a start-up what happened like that you would have invested in like that if you have the chance can you tell me about startups that you have invested in and why
you know I’m not going to lie you know I’m not going to start lying about who we are and how we work just to get your money in because we both know that’s going to end bad but anyways but I need to understand if we are
who you’re looking for him so that is what I will do and so that is what I was dreaming just if I’m out of gas right out and if I’m at a bigger Gathering
I would I would try to talk to the organ at her and say what kind of people are there at your what this people business Angel piggy what what kind of people,
does your Association attract what are the things you talk about there are kind of is there is there a kind of startup that is more likely to win.
From them within your event former then others fun.

[19:27] Try to get up and the band think so to try to get a feeling but the best thing is to ask the people or two to do like an introductory round so let’s say for this
so let’s say for the sake of this of this example we’ve learned that she introduced herself and says I’ve been a manager with the same company for 40 years
person um I’m a good person leader I had a I had a team with 17 different nationalities that that that I let there
we always worked hard we had heart days I don’t have any kids because career always came first for me but now I’m looking for other ways to to bring in what I what I what I’m good at to work with someone
you know and by the way don’t worry if you don’t have a line of a University Title I never went to University I started straight up.

[20:19] Well let’s say that’s her introduction so she just told us example it’s example it’s on the page you know she values diversity she values hard work and loyalty she’s been with the same company for long and she um.
And she respects the the non-university career career career career but now that we know that we know,
if we have what she’s looking for we don’t have what she’s looking for would say you know we’ll say our goodbyes and we’ll go we’re not we’re not lying about creating something like something like a fake offer
but if we do have something we now know how to connect can give her an emotion because we can give her an emotional response of a can say you know where the start of we’re looking for an investor we’re looking for an investor for a newbie
it’s not afraid to be successful with that’s right because we know she looking for Success so we hang out the.
Where’s hope they’re busy we were super busy we’re not we’re not a stealth startup pitching going to be pitching at a lot of events we’re going to be out there all right we’re so,
startup we’re allowed stardom so now we connect to someone who has that emotional needs and we can just basic then we can just basically go in there and say and and offer at the pledged benefits,
we’re looking for a 50k ticket and and then you go into the technicalities of valuation and how much percentage and so on.

[21:36] I needed someone to start what we need is someone to start with s right away we’re looking for an active business angels wants to actually work with us to have you and we’d like to have you in the driver’s.
For this or that because that way because that way I’m taking off the boxes in this example look.
She looking for that Shields she’s looking to be involved and I’m offering her that if I can then the value profile and then the value profile again.

[22:01] Copy that’s a copy mistake on the page but the value profile will basically mirror what we have on the left side so we’re going to talk about the team and if we have a diverse team we’re going to go into their if we have stories within our team or we can say something that
it’s that connects it’s the connect with the hard work ethic the Loyalty the things that we identify the value we’re going to offer up that and if she can take,
in her enough boxes in her in her search pattern which is there it’s not conscious it’s not it’s not the open but it’s there she’s got,
she’s going to want to talk to are going to happen and we’re going to have an investor hmm.
I especially like the I especially liked the part where you’ve been talking about topic X and
active feels like they just because I do believe they are like Angels you two different types of vessels Angels you want to have Max the first one that took all the very relaxed once they give you a ticket out something like twenty five fifty thousand acres and then they call you a half year later and then they call you a half a year later again them
and then more passive investors and anyone to have to help people that actually help you like
lawyers like accountants have who have expertise don’t have a spear to these sales experience in management for 20 years or something
that is something you would be looking for everything in between is for my personal experience is pretty hard to have as business angels as well Ashley.

[23:31] If you have
people who want to be the backseat driver you need to be very clearly need to be very clear about you’re looking for what they are looking for when you take a me Rory and if you if you’re able and willing,
to give them them.

[23:43] First personally I say that I agree with what you’re saying I don’t really see the value in the small amount just giving you a small amount of money as Angel and I’m a business Angel and and I’m not going to help you.
Honestly I’m because honestly if all they have to contribute is your 20,000 Euros or 30,000 euros and that’s all you need from them.
And if you can actually with with a good with wizard with a good conscience tell them you’re going to double that money there’s easier ways to get.
30,000 euros without having without having a business angel in there who owns a part of your company to be awesome it’s going to be a nightmare later on if you have an exit and you have a business angel on the ticket and so on so I don’t I generally don’t see the value in that.

[24:30] But I’d have a business angel that will go in there and say oh you’re starting to have a start-up in an area where I’ve been successful and knowledgeable for the last 30 years.
I’m going to give you some money to get you off the ground I’m gonna give you my contacts and networks and I’m going to give you my experience that then I see.
You know where the where the value of a business Angel isn’t that sort of process I totally agree with the I totally agree with the mmm.

Nova Canvas Example — Designing First Product Landing P

[25:01] Alright want to head over to the next example.

[25:05] Yes sure just just to show that this is a university life this is an example of the question is we have a start-up and we want to design our first website we are first landing page and this is something I see quite often is.
Startups make a website It’s usually the first thing they do before they’re even done thinking about their idea the website is online.
First thing they put on the website is the about us page right it’s very first thing when.
From my personal experience I’ve been working with startups for two and a half years now trouble is.
Many startups have so many wording so much marketing done on what they are actually doing that the websites tend to be more or less useless from a person professional perspective because they
they are.

[25:58] Reformulate and reformulate and remarketing and that does so long until it sounds very fancy but you don’t have a clue what those guys are actually doing and that’s
for me personally you problem and as he said when you did not think it through when you did not explain it to like an external third person then you really have issues with the
about us page that is out there and I do believe you’ll also go to this direction right well yeah I mean the problem is.
No one cares about you dude like no one like that we don’t.

[26:36] People we walk through life and the one thing that is in our mind is what’s in it for me.
And if I go to a website
that’s the same stuff for example many podcasters when they listening to another podcast I give it like 10 minutes and they either like it or they are out but for whatever reason they are very convinced for
their personal podcast people will listen to a hundred episodes if they are out there just because it’s them no that’s not the way it works
neither for podcasters not for startups well that’s.
That’s death yeah but then you see that with with all kind of started there’s a lot of lying to yourself and that is out of out of self-preservation really right I have a product
and I need the world to care for my product because if they don’t care for my product then I don’t have a product and then I need to find another job.

[27:30] So there’s a lot of this egocentricity going on I have I have my product and I keep convincing myself that it’s the best,
so I talked about me and I talked about myself and talk about the product on the website people do people don’t care all they go they go on the website and they ask what’s in it for me.

[27:48] And and so this is why this little model it forces you to step outside of your own Zone.
About us when Windows just going to say when covid hit in the in the Ryan mine area Frankfurt V Spiner so there was a dozen startups that popped up that wanted to help shops and restaurants right because they weren’t to digitalize and they all put like shopping cart.

[28:10] Or you could buy coupons and that sort of thing and there was a time when none of those websites were functional but all of them
had a super cool about us page with pictures of school and a story
and I’m a super cool guy because I want to help the little shop down the road well if you want to help them stop talking about yourself and start programming your little website to help them,
let’s talk about doing no one cares about you people care it’s always what’s in it for me and,
so so if we’re designing this this website for the startup you know go through the canvas.
And and take this and the what’s in it for me for your customer will come up and it’ll force you to get away from this hole.
Hello my name is hog and I’ve had these websites you don’t get me wrong I’ve had more of those websites and I would I would like to remember.
You know my name is Hager and one day I had this great idea and this is my product and and and you know I told countless business angels that the world needs my product.
But it was always what did they say it was about me well most of them didn’t get fooled right in the end is there are the harsh truth that’s one of the things I like about you.
They didn’t get food so I you really come to you to do the dissenter something pretty fast I like that.

[29:33] Well I mean in hint side I’ve pitched especially early on right the I remember the very first pitch I did for a company was 17 years old it was the the business Angel Frankfurt Association of some like that.
This was still done on these on the see through pages that you printed on right we didn’t have.
There was no projectors or computers or something like that so you actually had overhead stuff what it’s called right wait where you had an actual projector and you printed the things out and the idea was shit and they told me that,
they they basically they it was so crushing I had this company idea and it was.

[30:09] Contested it was all about me I didn’t look at a single competitor I went in there and I pitched it and and they they were very polite and they listen to it and then they said.
Boy go home and it was so crushing and a couple of years later when I understood and I you know.
I got better at this and I’ve failed forward and I started to understand what happened back then.
That was a very easy test for them to make they all they want all they looked at was.
Is he in his own little bubble his own little dream or is he actually thinking about a customer and if the answer to that is no you’re out.
Thinking about our customers I will put
a picture of an overhead projector down here because many people in the right age to listen or watch this won’t know what you’re talking about.
It’s really sad but I think that’s what we are living in.
Okay let’s go through this quickly how to apply this if you’re if you have a start-up you know what you want to make a website so the example here is I have a start-up and my product is I have a bracelet.
There’s an NFC chip in there and I can use it to go on a festival or on a on an event and I beep beep and I pay with it okay.
Fairly fairly easy straightforward product that could probably have a market.

[31:33] So if I’m making the website Who Am I can their website for I’m making the website for right now the event organizer he’s my primary target group I want him to buy a thousand of those things or.
50,000 of those things for his next event so what’s the trigger what activates him to go on a search,
that’ll end up with me he needs he needs to have something that triggers him there is no
people aren’t your customers aren’t sitting at home next to a big pile of cash looking for you they’re not they have a need something happen so let’s say the trigger in this event is the event organizer.

[32:08] Has an event and then you have trouble with the event financials and the bookkeeping and he says I’m done with this so much I’m you know I do concerts I do shows I don’t want to be in Microsoft Excel doing bookkeeping
this has to end I’m looking for a solution so that’s what sets them off the trigger so what is a be a lot a lot of cash gets lost during the event.

[32:31] That could be but that would be a different model right so different triggers different model.

[32:36] Because the trigger I have here he’s just fed up and annoyed with the bookkeeping now his emotional state is he’s looking for peace of mind he’s looking for a low risk and security and.

[32:47] Thing and maybe he wants to be special and he wants to be Innovative to set himself apart from other comparable events if you say the trigger is he lost a lot of money.

[32:57] Then his emotional needs might be much more skewed towards the whole risk security failsafe thing right.
And then I need to I need to speak with him differently.
I need to offer something else so it is objective straight out he needs a solution for food and beverage accounting.
Is values so we’re a start-up and that’s not going to end you know we’re an operative.
We have a digital solution so we’re going to connect with someone who has those values there is probably an event organizer out there who has that.
Psychological need and those objectives but who hates startups and who once once a solution from a 50 year old company
and once a solution where in the end he gets a fax okay there’s people like that out there we’re not going to connect with them so let’s not care about them
we’re not going to convince them of other values so the people we can connect to our people like startups for like Innovation digital Solutions and who like Integrated Solutions so now we go over and we give them something to match that
dude we understand events are complex and you want to focus on the event you want to focus on booking artists not the organization.
However that’s where you make your money and your visitors are most important to you we understand that right it’s a completely emotional pitch we emotionally connect we understand your fears what drives you and we’re there with you.

[34:21] The Pledge benefit is we will supply the bracelet will set everything up and we’ll run the whole solution for you.
If that is what our product is and then for the value profile you know we’re started we’re cutting edge we were founded last year,
here’s the founders track records we have people here who have put out other digital Solutions and digital Innovation and everything is digital.

[34:45] And now again if I have that event organizer on the page who’s my dream customer.

[34:50] And and it’s a very specific dream customer right another another another mistake people make is they built this website.
And they try to make it as broad as possible and they try to make right and if you think.
Maybe maybe there’s clowns out there who run clown events and we don’t want to lose the clown events as possible customers then they’ll put a sentence on the website that says also available for clowns.
Like no no no you’re not the point is not to be as broad as possible focus focus exactly.
So and if if we have that person on the website he’s going to click he’s going to resonate and there’s going to be a call to action and we’re going to start talking to him.
And when you have a lot of these customers you then can go into other Target groups other markets and at one point end up
what the clouds as well but don’t serve all the people at the same time while it did the the nice thing about the internet I mean we’re in a website building example here is.
It’s unlimited space so I have I have I mean I have customers who sell the same.
Product the same couch to five or six different Nova groups as we call them.

[36:05] And it’s just different websites it’s the same product but we know that for this one group that has a different trigger than the other group we need
talk to them differently we need to use different pictures we need to use different colors so we put out five websites that sell the same product to five different
Nova groups to five different clusters of needs and objectives of values and it works right because it’s the internet it says unlimited space.

[36:34] So that’s and what’s also interesting is that you have a product that resonates with five different groups but you need five different websites to actually approach them right.

[36:46] Where is it can be landing pages it can be websites but yeah.
Sure and and if it’s worth doing then you’ll do it right if the if the group is big enough that it warns to clone your website and put different content on there then do it.

[37:00] For startups for example one very easy thing to do is.
Have a website landing page that says are you a B2B customer or are you a possible investor.

[37:11] And I just put two websites out there with the investor info and it’s you know it’s not Secret.
Anyone can look at it but I can go in there and I like what’s in it for me well what are you I’m a puzzle investor Okay click I get all the stuff that I need.
Then I can look at the obviously very good investor I’m going to look at the client side as well but.
Right so so that way I can I can I can Target it and I can make it make it based on the needs of who’s on the other side hmm,
so the last thing you can do and then on the last thing with the next thing you would do with this is.
We actually we actually do this along the entire customer Journey so if you’re looking at a digital customer Journey that starts in Facebook or on Google
you come to the to the landing page or the or the homepage of the website maybe it’s a shop you go to a listing page or or a search result listing you go to the
to the page where the actual item is you go to the checkout we do this Nova canvas for every step of the way.
And through that fine-tune the content that is there because every step of the way I am in one of those
Nova situations where I have emotional needs I have fears and their different right I’ll give you a very specific example when I’m in an e-commerce setup and I go towards the checkout I hope I have hope.

[38:36] That they offer PayPal because that is what is most convenient for me and I’d read I fear that they are.

[38:46] Credit card because I am sitting on the toilet and my credit card is not on the toilet with me,
and the whole idea that I cannot end this this this buying process right now I don’t know
are they going to you know I don’t know for how long I’m going to be here and then maybe in 10 minutes I will have forgotten the whole thing stresses me right there and right then so I’m there whereas when I’m when I’m in some other place in the shop maybe my biggest fear I have is.
But what if extra large there makes me look fat right
so different things so we actually do the Nova and you get quite good at it after a while because it’s just really really easy model so we do it for every step of the way and we fine-tuned content and we fine-tuned functionality when we’re building.
Customer Journey architectures what we call it.

[39:36] One question rule of thumb because I’ve been working in the past a lot with a customer Journeys and one point of friction has always been,
is this a step in the customer Journey or is it not do you have a rule of thumb something how many steps
you need at least or when is it a different step in your customer journey I mean switching between Facebook your website going into your online shop data
obvious steps are the less obvious or is it totally fine to First divide the customer journey into 25 steps and then cut down,
so the first thing I would always say is that the customer Journey should have as few steps as possible.

[40:29] Okay so anytime you can make it the the image I always play with is.

[40:35] We’re talking about buying things right or converging towards something.
Imagine you were in your you walk into a big department store a big shop and you have this checklist right there stuff that you need to figure out and at some point you have them checked out.
They’re okay and you’re ready to buy.
You should be able in the store to raise your hand and say I am ready to buy and there should be this enormous big bouncer who pops up next to you.
And he will move everyone out of the way lift you up carry you to the cashier and say this gentleman is ready to buy nothing will come in his way.
That is what we want we don’t want like a single.
Step that is unnecessary and that is how I think.
Customer Journey should be designed so you need to have like jump jump points where.
I’ve actually built Journeys where we ask people are you ready to buy yet because if you are click here if not fine we think this is the next thing that you’re going to need to read,
so as as few steps as possible is the first answer in the second answer is it a step or is it not a step it’s very easy.
Every decision that the customer makes that can have an impact right.

[41:53] I’m leaving or I’m going on the journey to the next is a step so anytime there is a decision made.
It’s basically a step now obviously if you have a page and there’s five pieces of information there’s five like micro decisions but in the end I have someone on the on the item page on the shop and the decision is.
Are you going to click on the buy now button.
I click on that now something happens the the off canvas card comes in or something like that I need to do another click there’s another step I need to,
I need to I need to do something to to actually go forward that’s a step but as few as possible.

[42:35] I see is there an option that you would put presentation like this for example on slide show or is it downloadable somewhere where people could click after this online presentation.
Absolutely we’re going to put all the slides on O’Donovan. D e.

[42:53] There’s a publication tap and then you can download we leak it go down here in the show notes they’ll be a link and you can find it there.

[43:03] Me to say thank you very much Olga it was very informative if you would like to
Seymour entrepreneur tools and special tools go down here in the show notes there is a link where you can reach out as well as go down here and put your comment in.
Thank you very much Olga.
Thank you for your time and we may add for our audience that this is the second attempt of recording this because the first one was just to be put in the binge unfortunately I had an annoying,
beeping sound in the background and I don’t know where it came from but now hopefully it’s gone thank you very much.

[43:42] Thank you for having me it was great and I’m looking forward to if.
You guys use the model let me know I’m always very interested in see how people apply it I’ve seen the funniest ways of applying this
down to teenagers using this to convince their parents to let them go on a holiday alone and everything so
let me know in the comments or write an email or LinkedIn or something like that I’d be I’d love to see what you do with them all,
the teenagers didn’t happen to be your kids know they’re not teenagers yet.

[44:17] They are there their methods are more in the screaming and biting area.
I see thank you very much bye bye bye.

[44:29] Music.

