From Jimdo Founder to Green Tech VC — Winner of German Startup Awards 2023: Investor of the Year | Episode 395
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23 min readSep 14, 2023

Executive Summary

In episode 395 of, host Jörn “Joe” Menninger interviews Fridtjof Detzner, Winner of the German Startup Awards 2023: Investor of the Year. Fridtjof discusses his journey from founding Jimdo, a website builder, to becoming a green tech venture capitalist. He shares his passion for simplifying complex problems and making technology accessible. Fridtjof also talks about his experience filming a documentary series and how it led him to focus on sustainability issues. The episode explores Fridtjof’s entrepreneurial journey and his transition to investing in green tech startups.

Investing in Game-Changing Ideas for Planetary Boundaries: “We’re looking for those game-changing ideas in industries which produce a lot of CO2, for example. And then we look into what are potential solutions to that quite driven from scientific angle saying okay, where are the biggest problems and how can that be done differently?”

— Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023

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The Future of Startups: “I do believe that in the future there must be a correlation between the startups which are doing significantly better for the planet and also the financial outlook of those companies because we need to account in the future for the real true cost of things.”

— Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023

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“And to be honest, with a super life changing experience, since for 120 days you observe the patterns of the world, of the world economy and how it’s creating winners and losers and how creating problems somewhere else which are directly connected to our economy back here.”

— Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023

German Startup Awards 2023

This interview is in media partnership with the German startup association (Bundesverband Deutscher Startups Their German Startup Awards #GSA23 honor each year outstanding female and male founders and investors in special categories. You can learn more about the winners in our interview and on this website:

We already covered most winners of the #GSA21 and #GSA22

Playlist Interviews Winners 2021 #GSA21

Playlist Interviews Winners 2022 #GSA22

“That was such an eye-opening moment for me that I thought, hey, this really makes a lot of a difference, right? So to really precisely know if a product is part of the solution or it just pretends to be.”

— Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023

Questions Discussed in the Interview

  1. How did Fridtjof Detzner transition from being a founder of Jimdo to becoming a green tech venture capitalist?
  2. What role did Jimdo play in the development of the website-building industry?
  3. How did Jimdo incorporate a freemium business model and what impact did it have on their success?
  4. What led Fridtjof Detzner to explore the world as a documentary filmmaker and how did it influence his perspective on sustainability?
  5. How did his experiences filming the documentary series shape Fridtjof Detzner’s understanding of global problems such as climate change and plastic pollution?
  6. In what ways did Fridtjof Detzner’s privileged background impact his decision to focus on sustainability and environmental issues?
  7. How does Fridtjof Detzner’s work as a green tech venture capitalist align with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals?
  8. What are some of the challenges and opportunities faced by green tech startups in Germany, according to Fridtjof Detzner?
  9. How does Fridtjof Detzner’s involvement in the Sustainable Finance committee of the German federal government contribute to his work in green tech venture capital?
  10. What lessons can entrepreneurs and investors learn from Fridtjof Detzner’s journey from founding a successful startup to becoming an Investor of the Year?

Climate Change and Sustainable Investing: “Science has the power to say no to any deal.”

— Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023

The Video Interview is set to go live on Thursday, September 15th, 2023 at 16:00 CET

The Audio Interview is set to go live on Thursday, September 15th, 2023

You can subscribe to our podcasts here.

The Importance of Investing in Hardware for Tackling Climate Change: “And so when it comes to kind of tackling or thinking about the problems kind of we have, then it’s relatively clear software alone won’t do it, right? So we need to invest in hardware in order to build and change processes in our industry, in the world industry, otherwise we won’t do it.”

— Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023

The Investor of the Year 2023

Fridtjof Detzner’s ( | journey as an entrepreneur began unexpectedly at the age of 16. In 1999, a school friend approached him with the idea of starting a company, and without hesitation, Fridtjof agreed. Together, they delved into the world of website development, initially offering services to clients. However, they soon realized that their true passion lay in empowering others to create and manage their own websites.

Driven by this newfound goal, Fridtjof and his team pivoted from being an agency to a product-based company. They focused on building a platform that enabled customers to build and maintain their websites independently. This shift brought immense joy and fulfillment to the team as they witnessed their customers taking control of their online presence.

As time went on, Fridtjof’s venture flourished, and they began to scale their operations. Alongside this growth came numerous learning experiences that further honed his entrepreneurial skills, including taking a trip with a German TV station and visiting entrepreneurs around the world. This showed him the scale of the problems we are facing, which in turn led him to start Planet A Ventures.

Planet A takes a double approach to investing, not only including business points of view for their investment decisions, but also the point of view of their scientist. You can learn more about their investment approach in our interview.

Fridtjof’s story serves as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs worldwide, proving that age is no barrier to success. With passion, determination, and a willingness to embrace change, he continues to make a lasting impact on the startup community.

The Importance of Planetary Boundaries: “And I think it’s really important that we don’t trade the one crisis for another. Right, so it is having this more holistic view on the problems which I think we should be taking and that’s the planetary boundaries.”

— Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023

Planet A

Planet A Ventures (, founded by Fridtjof Detzner, is a Berlin-based Green Tech VC firm that is making a significant impact on the world by investing in sustainable business models. What sets Planet A Ventures apart is its unique approach of combining investment expertise with a dedicated in-house science team. This allows them to evaluate, support, and invest in startups that have a strong focus on environmental sustainability and contribute to building a more sustainable future.

With their in-house science team, Planet A Ventures ensures that their investments align with the latest scientific research and technological advancements in the green tech space. This strategic approach not only helps them identify promising startups but also provides additional value to their portfolio companies by leveraging scientific expertise and insights. By investing in sustainable business models and supporting innovative solutions, Planet A Ventures plays a crucial role in accelerating the transition towards a greener and more sustainable planet. Their commitment to fostering impactful and sustainable innovation makes them a leading player in the Green Tech VC landscape.

“A lot of people are actually using their time and resources to work on something really important which I think gives me a lot of hope that people pick the topic.”

— Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023

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If you feel your company can make an impact beyond economic success you can pitch Planet A directly here:


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The Interviewer

This interview was conducted by Jörn “Joe” Menninger, startup scout, founder, and host of Reach out to him:



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Topics Discussed in this Interview

In this interview, we are talking about

startup podcast, YouTube blog, Germany, Czech entrepreneurship radio, Startup Radio, investor, green tech venture capital, German Startup Association, German Startup Awards, Sustainable Finance committee, Jimdo, DIY, website, online shop, Wix, Squarespace, Obama leader, Europe, software startup, tech green tech VC, agency, coding, product company, freemill model, product excellence, scaling, barn, company size, success, green tech VC, UN Sustainable Development Goals, climate change, plastic pollution, child labor, housing, world economy, patterns

Automated Transcript

Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:00:00]:

Hello and welcome everybody. This is Joe from Startup IO, your startup podcast and YouTube blog from Germany, as well as the world’s number one Czech entrepreneurship radio called Startup Radio. Today I welcome Friedkov here with me. Hey, how you doing?

Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023 [00:00:16]:

Really well, thank you. Hi Joe.

Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:00:18]:

Totally my pleasure to have you here. You are already a successful founder and entrepreneur here in Germany. We’ll get to that soon. But you’re here because you’re an investor of the Year 2023, selected by the German Startup Association, the German Startup Awards. Congratulations to that. And we agreed before that what you are doing is most specifically called green tech venture capital, right?

Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023 [00:00:47]:

That’s correct. Yeah.

Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:00:50]:

As always, your LinkedIn profile will be linked down in the Show Notes. So wherever you’re looking at this, wherever you’re listening to this, go to medium forward slash startup rate minus IO and you’ll end up on our blog. Look for this interview or if you’re listening on your podcast or YouTube, go down here in the Show Notes. There is a link. I’ve seen you’ve done a lot of stuff. You are member of the Sustainable Finance committee of the German federal government. Most people here in and around Germany would know you as one of the founders of Jimdo. That is I would call it a toolbox. DIY your own website.

Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023 [00:01:32]:

Yeah, no, no, let’s call it that way. That’s pretty much what we’re doing. We enable small and medium sized businesses to build up their own website, online shop and much more.

Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:01:41]:

Yeah. Like Wix or Squarespace or stuff like this. And you are an Obama leader in Europe. There’s a lot we have to talk about, but let us get started at the most known, most important part. Let us talk a little bit about how you started Jimdo, what you learned from there and how you made the jump from doing basically a software startup to being a tech green tech VC. Because that has to be a fascinating story.

Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023 [00:02:19]:

Yeah, you judge it. It’s just my story.

Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:02:24]:

Okay, so how did you get started? With Wix?

Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023 [00:02:30]:

With Jimdo?

Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:02:32]:

Yeah, with Jimdo. I’m so sorry, it’s completely confused. I’m so sorry. How did you get started with Jimdo?

Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023 [00:02:40]:

Yeah. Quite early, to be honest. So, believe it or not, it was 1999, I was 16 years old and still in school and yeah, a school friend of mine asked me if I could imagine to want to found a company and I raised my hand and basically I was suddenly a founder of a company in the age of 16, still in school. And it was, to be honest, a lot of fun. So we did websites for other people and kind of stumbled into building web applications and then we asked ourselves, hey, what would be more fun to do that? And actually more fun to us meant enabling our customers to build and maintain their own websites, like building your own product. And so we transformed kind of from an agency to a product company and that was pretty much what we liked. And then we scaled it and there was a lot of fun and a lot of learning.

Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:03:34]:

I would say I would have my first question here because we are almost about the same age bracket. Apparently you’re three years younger than I am, but I’ve known a lot of people in the late 1990s, early 2000s, like two or three people who study, who are good with computers in high school or studied computer science, who did the same. How did you make this step from being an agency, being like two or three people coding websites for other people? How did you do this step to really think it in terms of a product company? How did you involve that way?

Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023 [00:04:16]:

Yeah, I think to be honest, it was not really an informed decision. It just happened and it came that for myself personally, I really like the idea of putting simplifying complex problems into a flow, into a user interface to make things really simple, which used to be super complex back in the time. And I think now website building has been somehow a commodity, website building tools, but back then, breaking things into simple steps and making it more accessible for everyone to build a website and also for medium sized or small sized companies was really new. And so word of mouse picked up and we were one of the first companies which then switched to a freemill model. I think that really paid off, really worked like a bliss. And then it’s about product excellence and iterating on the product. And so we scaled really the company from three people on the barn where I came from. So my cofounders moved into the rooms of my older brothers and scaled it all the way to a few hundred people, which was a lot of fun and obviously a lot of learning since a company with three boys on a farm is much different than a company that is a decent size.

Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:05:44]:

And then you basically, as you said, you build it up. We skip a lot of steps.

Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023 [00:05:52]:


Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:05:52]:

The development of Jimdo. You guys are then very successful. And was it also like an unconscious decision to go from here into being a green tech VC? I would be interested how your interest in the space started and when you really decided, okay, that’s what I want to do, I want to get out of the company that I co founded at age of below 20 or something.

Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023 [00:06:21]:

Yeah. So to put things into perspective, I did that company for 18 years. So for a real long time, you could say. And then after that period of time with a couple of hundred people, I started to feel like, hey, probably there’s more to explore. And my co founder happily said, hey, he wants to continue around the company. And that gave me the opportunity to think new of what I want to do. And then I kind of got a super unexpected offer. So another friend of mine approached me and asked me if I could see myself traveling the world with a camera crew and basically filming a ten documentary series about founders worldwide. And after 18 years of building software, I was like, yeah, happily I do that. And then suddenly he worked together with five journalists from DW, George Velle, and that was super new. And so we thought about how can we tell the stories of these ten episodes more interesting? And so we took on the idea of let us take ten out of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals as shelves for each of the episodes. And whenever you want to present a solution of a founder, you also have to deep dive into the problem. Right? And so to me, spending 120 days and think about when interviewing people about climate change or plastic pollution, child labor, I don’t know, all these bigger topics. Housing was somehow really unexpected for, I guess, a person like me being super privileged since the first company was really successful already and gave me much different perspective on life and where I want to spend my time and my resources. So it was quite easy to decide on what not to do anymore and what are the problems I really want to work on. And to be honest, with a super life changing experience, since for 120 days you observe the patterns of the world, of the world economy and how it’s creating winners and loses and how creating problems somewhere else which are directly connected to our economy back here. And then, yeah, that gave me so much food for thought, to be honest, to reflect on what I’ve seen. And I’m super thankful that I was given the opportunity to see so much in such a short time.

Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:09:01]:

I know how that feels. It was also, like under focus for me when I was working for the Chinese government, seeing all this impact back in the days when I was working there as an intern. And what did you do next when you came back? You had all those thoughts in your mind and then, yeah, I mean, it.

Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023 [00:09:26]:

Was clear for me that I’m not just going to build the next software as a service company. So I was clear that I want to work on the problems I’ve seen before. And then it was clear for me that I want to use my time and resources to help the founders or help to develop ideas which really make a difference. And then I was lucky enough to meet a really good scientist and she opened my eyes to lifecycle assessments, which is a method to quantify all the mass and energy balances throughout the lifecycle of a product. So basically, if you think about lifecycle, you think about where is the material coming from, how much energy do I need to extract something? How far do I have to transport it where things are assembled? And then all the way to how often is a product being used? Is it okay with a good start? Okay. And then how much energy do you need each time to the end of life scenario? What happens after the life of product? And so there’s a pretty precise method to really calculate all that. It’s a lot of work, but if you do it for an idea of a startup and for the baseline scenario, the economy today, you can basically see the difference if it really makes a huge difference, yes or no? And so that is what we’ve been doing. And that was such an eye opening moment for me that I thought, hey, this really makes a lot of a difference, right? So to really precisely know if a product is part of the solution or it just pretends to be. And so then the idea arose in my head saying okay, we should build a fund which is only allocating money to the companies that if they scale, really make a lot of difference. And so that was kind of the initial idea to Planet A where you allocate money to ideas where science says this is really making a huge difference. And so yeah, that is how Planet A came to be and then was lucky enough to meet a lot of super smart people that said they want to work with us or work with me in building this up. And so, yeah, lucky enough that we succeeded so far. And whenever winning this prize, I really think it’s us as a team has won the prize, not me personally.

Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:12:04]:

I’ve also seen that you invested of one of our former guests traceless materials. Of course, we link down here in the show notes to the interview and you’ve been talking about how those investments will make an impact. So I assume your due diligence is quite a little bit different from show me a business plan, show me a profit margin, show me a growth forecast and that’s it. How do you approach the evaluation of a startup?

Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023 [00:12:40]:

Yeah, so it is different and not different at the same time.

Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:12:47]:

Can you repeat that as a quote for our interview? Again, it’s different.

Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023 [00:12:54]:

Basically we’re looking at two factors and this is how also Planet A is built as an organization, we have a business side and we have a scientific side and what’s to be said about Planet A is that science has the power to say no to any deal. So basically if science doesn’t say this is really a game changing idea, this is really making a difference, we won’t do it. Like if you don’t agree. Right? So basically we look through two lenses. If you so will the business lens as normal? As normal we see with the normal return expectation, like quite normal. You look at all of that and then additionally we also look through the angle of the planetary boundaries quantifying impact. So it’s really both because the solutions we search for or we investor in are ones which also need to be a valid business model. You need a lot of money to scale these ideas and you can only scale things really quickly if you can also make them really investable. And therefore we’re looking for the ideas which kind of really fulfill both angles.

Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:14:02]:

And I’ve also seen from your portfolio that your companies tend to be a little bit more on the hardware side than on the software side.

Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023 [00:14:14]:

Yeah, so it’s both, it’s software, it’s hardware and we have one category which is kind of, I mean, it’s not new, it’s hybrid, which is kind of software enabled hardware. And so when it comes to kind of tackling or thinking about the problems kind of we have, then it’s relatively clear software alone won’t do it, right? So we need to invest in hardware in order to build and change processes in our industry, in the world industry, otherwise we won’t do it. And so it clearly involves hardware. And I think this is something we need to acknowledge if we talk about climate change or the planetary boundaries that we need to develop change processes of our economy. And this involves a lot of hardware. So we need to invest and be able to invest into hardware. Because if you only invest into software, obviously this is not enough.

Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:15:10]:

You just talked about planetary boundaries when we talked before this interview we actually realized that we just surpassed the world overshot there where mankind is using up more resources than the world can regenerate. What is your take on that?

Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023 [00:15:33]:

Yeah, we have several crisis at the same time and we’re pretty aware of the climate crisis. But we also have, for example, a biodiversity crisis. We have the hugest loss in biodiversity since ever and such a fast pace. And so the concept of the planetary boundaries looks at the world and of kind of a safe operating limits which would be what is generating within one year. And so if you look in different angles on how the planet is doing, for example, freshwater use, land use, biodiversity, climate change or entry of novel entries into the atmosphere, you will find that we are in different stages on these different measures. And so what the planetary boundary is really showing is where are the safe operating limits and where do we need to get better and where we already have surpassed the safe operating limits. And so it gives you a more sophisticated view on the different crises. And I think it’s really important that we don’t trade the one crisis for another. Right, so it is having this more holistic view on the problems which I think we should be taking and that’s the planetary boundaries. Obviously, normally the things you’re doing for the climate crisis is also good for the planet itself. But having a broader view is really important.

Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:17:11]:

To get the boring stuff out of the way. You invest in series A investments half million to up to €4 million.

Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023 [00:17:18]:

But we’re starting earlier from precede to series A.

Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:17:23]:

Precede to series A. I see, precede to Series A, half to 4 million. But I would be more curious because you are not the average VC, you are not investing in the average software startup. So how is your process to get to the right startups? I totally assume you also get a lot of pitches, also a lot of lost pitches. Somebody is looking for precede funding for his or her fintech. Completely not related to what you do. You just reply with a nice email sorry, nothing for us. If you take that away there is, I assume, not such a big lot of relevant startups. How do you source your deals?

Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023 [00:18:09]:

Yeah, different channels. So people apply via our website and they do it a lot. Actually, to be honest, I’m blown away myself. We now have seen over 6000 startup which I think is amazing that there’s so many people are working on these topics and not everything of that is relevant but it was a huge chunk. So a lot of people are actually using their time and resources to work on something really important which I think it gives me a lot of hope that people pick the topic. Then second is we have a lot of kind of really well known, successful founders that have built Unicorns and other really amazing companies, and they’re invested in our fund. And so these people actually kind of quite often forward interesting pitches to us, which I think is super nice. And so teaming up there really makes a lot of sense. And then third, since we really look scientifically on the world, it is about also kind of looking where are the biggest problems and where are the biggest problems and where are potential solutions which we look into. And then we actively go out and look for who’s doing good stuff in a particular area and then we approach people as well. So it’s really different channels we use and yeah, then it’s really about building a portfolio of people that address the problems in a really good way.

Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:19:57]:

And now of course, the next question is how do you get to the problems? Because you could look in certain spaces, find people who are solving big problems but how do you decide this is really a problem for us that we want to invest in?

Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023 [00:20:17]:

Yeah, so as I said, we’re looking through the angle of the planetary boundaries. So basically saying okay, we’re only going to look at ideas which are doing a significantly difference and we do quantify that in four areas which could be climate mitigation and greenhouse gas equivalents will be waste mitigation, resource savings and also biodiversity protection. So we do look at these factors whenever we look at startups and then we do invest in some sense quite broadly like from housing, new materials, manufacturing processes, food, energy storage, mobility, lots of different things, right. Because the problem of our economy surpassing the planetary boundaries is also an accumulation of all these different activities we have on the world, right? So it is not the one solution. So we need to look quite broadly and then what we do is we look at what are the huge chunks and what are they really the areas where we need to innovate in order to get there. And so yeah, this is kind of why we end up actually doing a lot of B, two B deals where kind of the volume is super high and super innovative deep tech solutions where it’s about changing whole systems really instead of just a minor improvement in something which also needs to happen. Right? No judgment in that. But for us, with the thesis of Planet A it’s like we’re looking for those game changing ideas in industries which produce a lot of CO2, for example. And then we look into what are potential solutions to that quite driven from scientific angle saying okay, where are the biggest problems and how can that be done differently?

Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:22:19]:

That is really an interesting approach given that we could talk for a few more hours but I would like to limit this to a few more minutes. I would be interested in what founders do wrong to screw off their first interview, their first pitch, what do they do wrong? Because I’ve heard in the past that the biggest thesis for successful entrepreneurs that I’ve heard so far is that first approach the investor get a contact and down the road pitch them.

Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023 [00:23:04]:

Yeah, now I would get back to how we build as an organization. So we’re actually searching for the ones making a significant difference but that comes together by science and business. And so it’s really about thinking both for us and I know it’s super tough and it’s both things to really care about. But if you want to found something to make a contribution to the world’s biggest problems, I think it’s not only the business model you really have to think about is the solution I’m building or the innovation I’m doing, is it really doing something significantly better? And so I would then say right from the start would be super good to spend some time on kind of a rough estimation. Is that really moving the needle in that area and not only think of the business model but also think about the mass and energy balances of a product? Is it really way better? And I know it’s a lot to ask, but I do believe that in the future there must be a correlation between the startups which are doing significantly better for the planet and also the financial outlook of those companies because we need to account in the future for the real true cost of things. And if you are the one which kind of kind of invented a process which is leading to the same result but with much less CO2 emissions, those companies need to be the winners, right? And so I think it’s a double good exercise not only for getting the C money, it’s a really good exercise to build something meaningful that makes a difference and you should do that from the start.

Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:24:43]:

What I’m taking with me is again do your homework, get your list of potential investors together and listen. Read how they are doing their due diligence. For example, in your case it would be the science side and the business side have to match. So that means you’re not only looking for Excel sheets best would be also for papers or scientific research that the startups can give you under an NDA actually show to make a difference.

Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023 [00:25:15]:

Perfect. And you can also check out our website so we try to put it out what we look for in order to kind of really spend meaningful time with the ones where there’s an overlap on this thesis and the idea of.

Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:25:30]:

Course everybody who’d like to learn more, they can go down here on the show notes. They can not only see your LinkedIn profile but also we link the type form where the startups can straight pitch. But again, do your homework, make sure you are the right fit for Planet A. Fredo, again, congratulations to the watch. Thank you very much for this enlightening interview.

Fridtjof Detzner — Investor of the Year — German Startup Awards 2023 [00:25:55]:

Thanks. Hey. Thanks, Joe.

Jörn “Joe” Menninger [00:25:58]:

My pleasure. Have a good day. Bye.



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