This Month in German Startups — November 2020

Saif Morshed
Published in
21 min readApr 26, 2022

This story was migrated from our old blog, originally published on November 26th, 2020.

This Month in German Startups — November 2020

Welcome to This Month in German Startups by — in a transatlantic news recording with Chris in New York City.

Today we are wrapping up November 2020 for you with an update on German startups working on corona vaccines, Flixbus, Finleap, Rocket Internet’s ongoing delisting, and a potential digital Euro


This recording was made possible by (Hessen Trade and Invest). Learn more about our enabler here:

Find all options to subscribe here:

Housekeeping — Time to brag

We have only one thing to say: Stay safe everybody! Be grateful for what you have!

The Video Podcast will be published on November 26th, 2020

Corona Vaccine

Two of the startups, working on the forefront to develop a corona vaccine are frequently covered here, so we have some good news from them:

  • BioNTech has concluded tests and submitted its vaccine for emergency approval (, according to press reports the vaccine has an efficacy rate of 95% ( With its partner Pfizer, the company already signed a contract to supply the vaccine to the EU ( The development left traces in the balance sheet of Biontech: The Rhine-Main-based biotech company, working on a corona vaccine generated 210 m Euro loss in Q3 2020
  • Washington Post: Analysis | Here’s to the Immigrant Heroes Behind the BioNTech Vaccine
  • NYTimes The Husband-and-Wife Team Behind the Leading Vaccine to Solve Covid-19
  • CureVac has positive phase 1 data released on their corona vaccine and signed a contract with the European Commission to supply the vaccine (

Getyourguide (again)

Getyourguide, the Berlin-based traveltech unicorn, let go 1/6 of its employees, now they raise 114 mn Euros via a convertible, led by New York-based Searchlight Capital Partners We assume they make it past corona with this setup.


Germany is in a partial shutdown due to corona (expected to last in 2021, with a few easements around Christmas and the new year). Flixbus and Flixtrain stop their service on November 3rd. The company wants to resume service, before the holidays — if the situation permits

Berlin-based Finleap goes B2C

Berlin-based fintech incubator Finleap is known for B2B startups like Solarisbank, Penta, Crosslend, Elinvar, and others. Now Finleap shifts its strategy, away from B2B to B2C fintechs. They have already started several startups like MoneyCircus, TenenZ, and Divorcy

But not all their bets are paying off

Joonko was started by Finleap as a challenger to incumbent Check24, as a comparison portal for finances, contracts, and subscription services. Now a follow-up financing fell through and the startup is shut down

Check24 sets up it’s bank

Check 24 is Germany’s largest portal to compare everything from mobile subscriptions to current accounts. Now other banking groups complain since the newly started bank within the group C24 also offers current accounts

Rocket Internet’s ongoing De-Listing

Six years ago Rocket Internet was listed in Frankfurt at 42,50 €/ Share. They did not pay a dividend and now delist at 18,57 €. German news media speculates generating 270 mn windfall since the intrinsic value should be around 30 €


Rocket Internet is already officially delisted from the stock exchange. Now small investors sue them. Some stocks are still traded on exchanges, currently around 20 € per share

Digital Euro

The ECB will decide about the introduction of a digital Euro already in January 2021

Better Battery Life

German media reports a team of German and Dutch researchers has developed a new type of battery, which could lead to a range for electric cars of up to 2000 km (1.240 mi)

Women, who rock Berlin’s startup world

Top female-led tech startups in Berlin that deserve attention in 2020 include well-known names like Infarm, Circ, Shippo, Penta, and others. Learn more here:


We keep you updated, just a small selection of news here

  • Police clear villa of former Wirecard CTO Jan Marsalek in Munich. The authorities are still searching for him
  • Wirecard insolvency claims of asset manager DWS amount to 600 m Euro (710 m US$)
  • Santander acquires technology assets from Wirecard, accelerating the expansion of its merchant payment business, Getnet — FT reports 100 mn € price tag
  • Germany highest court ruled that former Wirecard CEO has to appear in person in front of the Wirecard investigative committee of the German parliament to testify
  • Wirecard insolvency: Creditors want more than 12 bn Euros from the insolvent payment provider. The liquidator could only raise half a billion with the sale of assets so far
  • Former Wirecard CEO appears in front of the investigation committee of the German parliament in the Wirecard case. He reads his written statement and refuses to answer any questions for 3 HOURS
  • Ipex Bank employees traded Wirecard shares — even this is forbidden by internal guidelines since the KfW group is engaged in wirecard


German development bank KfW administrates the German Covid relief program. They have 95.000 applications, of which 650 are from startups. The startups have gotten 1.4 bn Euros in credit as mid of November

KfW sees improvements in their Venture Capital Business Index for Germany (+4.7), which is climbing “out of corona depths”, but still in the red (-9.5)

- Fundraising situation improves significantly

- Willingness to invest also improves

Fintechs in Germany: Fewer takeovers and insolvencies in the first nine months of 2020, despite corona reveals a new study


Note: The order of news and cities is only due to the time when we discovered the news, rather than anything else.



  • Klavant from Minden wins proRuhrgebiet’s medtech competition. Klavant developed a new quality assurance system for heart surgeries (aortic valve) lowering the mortality of patients by 13%


  • Munich-based listed vacation booking platform HolidayCheck suffers from much lower revenue (13 mn in 20 vs 37 mn in 19) and let’s go 20% of its workforce
  • Munich-based Fidor Bank (a challenger bank, before it was a thing) was sold in August to Ripplewood Advisors. Now the bank is split up and the IT subsidiary is about to be sold


US-Based investor Marlin Equity Partners is filing paperwork to buy Hamburg-based startup Coyo, which offers social-intranet-software


Troy, a collection fintech startup from Lippstadt, Germany raises yet another “seven-digit” sum Venture Capital from German insurer HDI. Amongst its investors in earlier rounds are the founders of Raisin


  • Coca Cola Austria invests in #Austria based startup getsby. The company allows ordering takeout directly from restaurants
  • Austria based job platform for people with disabilities “myAbility” takes over German competitor Capjob


UBS to invest 200 mn US$ in startup companies. Part of the money is already allocated to anthemis VC fund

“UBS is to invest $200 million in fintech startups through a new venture fund that will underpin internal modernization efforts and strengthen strategic partnerships.”


From Football to VC

German soccer player and member of the world cup winning team Mesut Ozil joins US venture capital firm Class 5 Global as strategic advisor looking for a career after playing football

Fintech News

  • Finiata, a German factoring startup (which is only still doing business in Poland) gets a “last chance” funding round (3.5 mn from private investors and 3.5 mn government corona aid) and is thinking about re-entering the German market
    Founder Sebastian Diemer (formerly co-founder of Germany’s once most valuable fintech — also had to file for insolvency) is now gone from the shareowner list of Finiata, which he co-founded
  • Berlin-based Solarisbank deepens cooperation with crypto startup Bitwala
    You can learn more about Bitwala here:
  • Fintech Raisin had to publish 2017 numbers, due to German regulation. The numbers are old, but with 11.9 mn Euros revenue have been better than N26 at the time (11m €) and much better than it’s direct competitor Deposit Solutions (5,7 m €)
  • The same regulation forced also McMakler to do so
  • Berlin-based real estate platform McMakler had to publish 2018 numbers and lost 19,5 mn Euros (14 mn revenue) and in 2019 19 mn Euros loss at 31.5 mn revenue. 2020 is forecasted to be “similar”
    They had — as so many other larger startups — employees in Kurzarbeit, but also secured a 10 mn € credit to get through corona. We are not sure about the Kurzarbeit during the current 2nd wave.

Fooooood :-)

  • Missing your favorite Michellin star cook? No problem with Starchefbox: By now almost everyone should know meal boxes, but Starchefbox allows you to order home meals from Michelin star chefs in Germany
  • Hellofresh buys Chicago based Faktor75 (a prepared meal delivery service) for $277 Mio

Other news

  • Maister wanted to produce substitutes for charcoal from the remains of maize fodder. Unfortunately, corona pushed them into insolvency
  • Holtzbrinck Ventures — an investor in HelloFresh, Delivery Hero, or Flixbus — raises new fund worth 535 million Euros
  • OEM Schaeffler sells “Bio Hybrid” a producer of heavy-duty #ebikes to company builder Meisterwerk. The transaction is rumored to be worth 8 digits
  • Amazon start at airport Leipzig/Halle first Air Cargo — Hub in Europe
  • 10 Inspiring Holiday Marketing Campaigns | Practical Ecommerce
  • #Mailbox: Timo Tschammler, the former CEO of Jones Lang LaSalle Germany, joins @PropTech1 as Venture Partner and Investor
  • The German-US startup #AI startup Augustus Intelligence became know to the German public in the Amthor-Affair, involving a member of the German Parliament. Now German Media learned that they had to cut headcount by 50%

Stay ahead of the curve

  • Simply stay safe and be grateful for what you have!

Automated Transcript Below


[0:00] Music.

[0:16] And Live Events
hello and welcome everybody this is Joe from Strawberry Totoro your startup podcast and YouTube blog from Germany
if you’re watching this as an with you you may be able to see that I’m working in a totally different set up this is because I had to travel to take care of a family member if you’re hearing some background noise.
Take it as the cosy background sound appropriate for the season because that is a real fireplace you are listening to in the background and of course I do have my always trusted Chris here with me how you doing in New York.

[0:56] I’m doing great people are getting ready for Thanksgiving weather is great.

[1:01] Cases are rising not great but apart from that.
I’m ready getting ready to end the year and let 2021 be more fun.
Yeah I know I know that feeling just getting it over with we are bringing you this month in German startups November 2020
welcome to this month in German startups by celebrated IO in a transatlantic news recording today we are wrapping up a d November.
2020 news footage um speaking startup scene with.
An update on the German startups working on coronavirus scenes flicks bus
Findlay Prep rocket internet ongoing delisting and potential digital Euro,
briefly about our enabler this recording was made possible by hessen trade in a vest learn more about our enabler here dub-dub-dub invest — in — hasn’,
housekeeping time to brag we have only one thing to say stay safe at home everybody be grateful for what you have.


[2:13] Chris we have some top news for our listeners and viewers right.

Top News

[2:18] Yes I mean probably the biggest startup story in the world the last month was by on Tech
German startup that is working on the Corona back seen they have concluded tests and submitted their vaccine now for emergency approval.
They work together with fisa and reported an efficacy rate of 95 percent they signed contracts to supply the vaccine in the European Union also the US has their hands on it.
And the development left traces in the balance sheet of by on Tech as well the Rhine mine it’s based in right mind so your region actually the right mind based biotech company.
Generated 220 million euro loss in Q3 and 20/20 but now things look very different and what has been covered a lot in German media about them was.

[3:15] That they are a company that is being run by second generation immigrants and.
I think the overall trend we saw with the with the vaccine so far is really interesting in terms of.
So many people thought that covid-19
would lead to a more Regional economy everywhere and that like the days of big companies might be over because people might look for more for small and medium-sized Enterprises but now what we see is
a worldwide Global cooperation of two companies it’s a start-up and a giant pharmaceutical company and
it’s totally going against this idea of oh there is the new regionalization and there is a new new way of thinking about startups and economy as this more like
local Regional kind of sourced.

[4:19] Companies and then we also have cure whack company that has a vaccine that is still in had still published only a positive Phase 1 data but still they released.
They signed a contract with the European commission to supply the vaccine as well so what we see now in Germany at but also everywhere in the world is that there are a couple of hopeful vaccines popping up.
And governments getting ready to supply the vaccines to come up with this very delicate ethical question of who gets the vaccine when.
But so far so good and a lot of the news I think I very encouraging then we have some news about get your guide It’s a berlin-based travel tag unicorn they had to let go one six of their employees.

[5:11] Because travel obviously is a is a industry very heavily affected by covid-19.
But they now raise a hundred and fourteen million euros by a convertible led by the new york-based Searchlight Capital partners and that
seems to assess if it buys them enough mileage to get past Corona and congratulations on finding that new setup.

[5:36] And we have flicks bus which is probably also kind of a curious case that needs to be explained to International listeners because in Germany the.
I would say probably governmental rules and regulations for.
For the German M Trek also heavy and the German em track Deutsche Bahn has such so much power that it was really hard for other companies to establish themselves as
long-range public transportation
so what we saw with flicks bus is it’s a company that really tries to connect different German cities that kind of like Greyhound does in the u.s. via bus
and so also flicks bus very heavily affected by covid because also right now Germany is in a partial shutdown which
might last until 2021
there are going to be some he’s on the there’s going to be some he’s on the restrictions around Christmas and New Year but overall
cases arising people are incurred discouraged to travel Etc so flicks bus and flicks train they stop their service on November 3rd the company wants to resume Services before the holidays if the situation permits.
So just to give you a little idea of what’s going on related to covid in German startup world.

[7:02] Talking about berlin-based Fin leap goes BTC berlin-based fin Tech incubator friendly Biz known for B2B startups like Solaris Bank our frequently covered Penta Crossland
elinvar and others now Finley trysts the strategy away from btb.
QB to see if Antics they’ve already started several startups including money circus tenants with a big set at the end and divorcee but not all of the bets are paying off.

[7:37] Young core was started by Finley as a challenger to incumbent check 24 as a comparison portal for finances
contract and subscription Services now a follow-up financing fell through and the startup is shut down.
Check 24 sets up its Bank check 24 is Germany’s largest portal to compare everything from mobile subscription to current accounts that was by the way the main competitor of young cool
now other back other banking coops complaint since the newly started Bank within the C 24 group.
Offers current account we you’ll see where this leads but it’s interesting that a former comparison portal and just website turns into a bank and Rockets internet rocket internet ongoing delisted.

[8:31] Six years ago rocket internet listed in Frankfort for 40 to 50 per share in the Euros they did not pay a dividend and no d-list around.
18:50 per share to music media to speculates.

[8:47] Generating 270 million windfall since intrinsic value should be Route 30
also related news rocket internet has already officially delisted from the stock exchange
now small investors sued him some stocks are still traded on exchanges currently around 20,
Euros per share digital Euro the ECB will decide about the introduction of the digital Euro already in January 2021 claims a media report and we do have a better.

[9:20] Battery life too many media reports a team of German and Dutch researchers has developed a new type of battery which should.
Yeet to arrange for electric cars of up to 2,000 kilometers which is
and forty miles Chris you got some more top needs for us here right we have a female LED initiative about women who Rock balloons based startup world
There are a couple of companies and startups that deserve some attention in 2020 including names like in farm Circ should pull Penta and others and we have a little write-up about that in our show notes,
and then there’s the huge topic of wire card still going on probably the biggest startup scandal in Germany in the last couple of years
just to give you a little reminder again so what basically happened was that they had.

[10:24] That they had Assets in their balance sheets which did not actually exist and turns out that
I think it was even up to 1.9 billion euros which weren’t there and one of the co-founders is still
missing so that is number one who no update here the former CTO young masaryk in Munich
is still.

[10:52] Mia I was looking for like missing in action so the authorities are still searching for him
tevia card insolvency claims of asset manager DWS amount to 600 million euro to so
and 10 million u.s. dollars so obviously it affects the whole ecosystem in Germany Sunday requires the technology assets from why a car accelerating their expansion of its Merchants payment business
getting it Financial Times reports a hundred million euro price tag for that there is the highest,
Court in Germany that ruled that former wire card CEO Marcus Brown has to appear in person in front of the vehicle investigative Committee of the German Parliament to testify this happened already the first the first of their
get-togethers already happened but.

[11:49] Brown didn’t didn’t necessarily say a lot of things actually I mean I think basically he confirmed his name and he said well in my area.
I could not see that the authorities or that
the consultancies around us did anything wrong and then he basically said well since is an ongoing investigation I rather work together with the
the prosecution then now give information here within the Parliamentary committee
what was so funny is that you said it was a get together and we have an article later on that they wrote a basically he will remain silent for three hours.

[12:31] Yeah I would like to have someone listening to me for three hours no
give him my stories so yeah creditor is one more than 12
billion euros from the insolvent payment provider so far the Liquidator could only raise half a billion euros with the sale of assets so it seems as if a lot of money will get lost there.

[13:01] And there’s.
Apex Bank whose employees traded wire card shares even though this is forbidden by internal guidelines since the credit instead for Vida of ba group is engaged in wire card.


[13:16] Which brings us a bit more further even deeper into the ecosystem the German Development Bank
K FW credit and start for video of bout just mentioned administrates the German covid relief program they’ve currently 95,000 applications of companies 650 of which startups they’ve gotten so far 1.4 billion euros and credit as of
mid-november so this number might have risen already,
kfw also sees improvements in their Venture Capital business index for Germany which is climbing out of its Corona deaths
but still in the red compared to
format times they see that the fundraising situation improves significantly and the willingness to invest also improves so like cautious optimism there and also about the German.
Ecosystem in startup World fintechs in Germany report fewer takeovers and insolvencies in the first nine months of 2020 despite covid-19.
Which was being revealed in a new study which you can also find in our show notes.

[14:33] We may add that kfw is not a normal bank but it’s actually totally government-owned and,
administrate only government money especially money even going back to the Marshall fund after the second world war and if you
but build for example here in Germany a house
Darius usually if you do something with political will is behind it like very energies efficient like solar cells on top or something you can additionally apply for very low interest rate kfw,
credit as well as they found students with those credits and admittedly I’ve also taken one of those credits.

[15:17] Taking us to the hubs section.


[15:20] As always the order of news and cities is only due to the time when we discovered the news rather than anything else.
Frankfurt strong growing platform e-commerce platform should fianc frantic as you can guess shoes 24 by bike platform,
Bike and Go Borg sufian 20q can learn more about them in our interview.
Which I did with the founder basically it’s a platform that enables small retail shoe shops to sell their product across multiple platform including but not limited to
then we do have one of our guests Phillips and professor at Frankfurt School he wrote on Forbes do crypto assets and tokenized real estate assets protect against inflation and you can learn more about that
on Forbes as well as in our interview and crowd desk is Frankford forward startup of the month 2020
congratulations of course we did an interview with them and you find it in the links.

[16:21] Minden it’s one of the small cities we like to highlight here because there’s not everything going on in Germany.
In terms of startups in Berlin when I talk to people it’s usually consensus that something between 25 and 33 percent of startup activity is bundled in the city of Berlin.
But that means that somewhere around 72 is 70% to 2/3 are actually outside of Berlin and we try to.
Highlight the very interesting places where you can find them clave and for Minden winspool work beat who will be distant area here in Germany
porkbutt Medtech competition Clermont developed a new quality assurance system for heart surgeries.
For the Iowa tick valve lowering the mortality of patients by 13% Munich.

[17:17] Munich base listed vacation booking platform holiday check suffers from much lower revenue and let’s go off twenty percent of its Workforce pretty similar to get you guide we just talked about munich-based fedewa Bank.
Which was something like a community or Challenger bank before this was a thing we sold in August to Rebel would advisors we talked about that in our news
now the bank is the bank is split up and its it subsidiary is about to be sold Hamburg US based investor,
Marlin Equity Partners is filing paperwork to buy Hamburg based startup coil which offers social intranet software.

[18:00] Another very small town
lipstadt try a collection fintech startup from lipstadt Germany raises yet another seven digit some venture capital from German insurer HDI amongst it investors is.
Earlier rounds are for example the founders of Raisin,
HDI by the way is an intra and actually it was built for insurance in Industry the real name is halftone stacked IT industry.
Very technical terms or.
Just stick with HDI we are looking a little bit in Austria to Austria Coca-Cola Austria invests in Austria based startup get speed the company allows ordering take out directly from restaurants.
And Austria paste.
Platform for people with disabilities my ability takes over German competitor cap job we are going to Switzerland.
UBS to invest 200 million u.s. dollars in start-up companies part of the money’s already allocated to Artemis VC fund the article States us is to invest 200 million in fintech startups through a new Venture fund that will underpin.

[19:17] Tandel modernization effort and strengthen strategic Partnerships let’s see how this goes.
Chris you surely got some company news for us right.


[19:28] Yes and at first it is actually some company celebrity news because
it’s about one of the most famous German soccer players of the world championship team of 2014 Mesut Ozil,
he joins the US Venture Capital firm class five Global as a strategic advisor so we will see if this is probably a Korea
after his football days and see what he does there.

[20:03] In fintech news we see that fin yata a German factoring startup.
Still only doing business in Poland gets a last chance founding funding round.

[20:15] 3.5 million euros from private investors 3.5 million euros from the governmental Corona it package and is thinking about re-entering the German Market.
Related to that found as a Bastion Dima.
Who was formerly the co-founder of Germany’s ones most valuable fintech or which also had to file for insolvency is now gone from the share on a list of funada which he co-founded.
The berlin-based largest bank deepens core its cooperation with the crypto startup bit Wala you can learn more about bit Wala in traditional.

[20:51] Link we have our interview yes and we already talked about then raisin the fintech which had to a fintech had to publish 2017 numbers due to German regulations.
So the numbers are old but with eleven point nine million euros Revenue have been better than n 26 at the time with 11 million euros and as a regular listener you might remember how about N2,
and it was the same kind of Regulation that forced Mike markkula a berlin-based real estate platform to publish its 2018 numbers they showed that they had lost 19 point five million euros.
At a 14 million euros Revenue in 18 and 19 they lost.

[21:35] Nearly the same amount of money 19 million euros but with more than double the revenue Thirty one point five million 2020 is forecast to be similar they said
but they also were affected by covid they had like many other larger startups employees in German quilts are by it which is
um a system in which companies agree to not fire people and get governmental money for that makes up for their lost Revenue so.
They secured an addition to the quotes about money a 10 million euro credit.
So we had we don’t really know what happens to the quotes about money right now in the second wave but in general this is how things went in Spring and Summer for them.

[22:25] Last thing for me food.
And food boxes one of my favorite topics so what we see also in Germany but I also saw it here in the u.s. is that really a lot of those startups are really.
Upscaling their efforts so in case you are missing your favorite Michelin star cook it’s not a problem anymore because there is no star Chef box.
Which allows you to order home meals from Michelin star chefs in Germany.
And we have hellofresh which bought that you Cairo base.
Factor factor 75 Factor 75 also a meal delivery service therefore 277 million dollars.
Which shows you that hellofresh has so much money.

[23:20] I do believe the thing about this Factor 75 with that they actually prepare the food and then bring it to your home warm.
I think that was the thing when I understood it right any other news.
Meister wanted to produce substitutes for charcoal from the remains of mice father unfortunately Corona pushed them into insolvency
looking for money
good thing Hot Springs Ventures and investor in hellofresh deliver a hero or flicks bus raised a new font with 335.

[23:58] Worth 535 million years sorry oh am Scheffler cells.
Bio-hybrid a producer of heavy duty e-bikes to company Builder my step back the transaction is rumored to be worth.
Digits I’m at soon starts at airport light color first Air Cargo Hub in Europe.
Via our mailbox we get to know that Tim.
Chandler the former CEO of Jones Lang LaSalle Germany joint prop tech one Ventures as Venture partner and investor and the u.s. German startups.
May I August Augustus intelligence became known to determine public in the amp to affair.
Well mr. am time member of the German Parliament bundestag lobbied for the company using actually the paper the official paper of the parliament which was of course not fine.
Now the German media had has learned that they had to cut headcount by 50% through there was no good news.
Um but talk a little bit about good news and Thanksgiving Christmas Fred what are you actually grateful.

[25:17] Quite a change of pace but okay.

[25:28] I mean in general.

[25:34] I live in the city of my dreams I can do the job of a journalist which is the job of my dreams I have good friends I have parents who love me.
And I never had to stay a single day in my life a single night in my life in a hospital so things are quite good actually.

[25:53] That’s me great looks really good and I’m grateful that.
My family and friends are safe and healthy that no one in my family has been struck so far with Corona even though.
Close family member just had to spend several weeks in hospital
but she’s now doing good and everything’s fine I’m very happy and grateful for that as well as a healthy and happy family even though I do believe I have the same effect as everybody right now
here in times of Corona that living only in the apartment after such a long time.
Really starts to tickle the nerves of everybody at you believe that something almost everybody experiences wreck.

[26:46] You got to get yourself out there people.

[26:51] Check the outside world that’s my my advice but stay safe keep minimum distance and wear a face mask.
Thank you very much Happy Thanksgiving Happy Holidays and we will be back with one one use wrap up,
this year keep in mind on December 25th there is the always legendary fintech review and that will be the last publication for
2020 for start-up rated at all December 25th and then we will start again in the usual,
publication schedule in January we may have a few additional interviews bringing.
You on Tuesdays this year and starting the next and we will see what exciting startups will get there for you Chris,
thank you very much for staying with me looking forward to do the Christmas edition with you as well.

[27:47] Christmas edition get it okay bye-bye.

[27:55] Music.

