Square roots by Kimball Musk

Catherine Chef
Startup Reviews
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2019

Kimbal Musk is the younger brother and business partner of Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla and SpaceX. True, his latest projects are not connected either with space or with electric vehicles. Musk Jr. moved into the food industry.

Initially, Kimbal Musk was also engaged in business in the field of high technology and the Internet, but times are changing. Now Musk believes that a truly promising niche is the food industry. It’s just that a person should start working in this direction only on the condition that he has an understanding of the new rules and a willingness to follow them.

Musk’s claim that “food is the new internet” sounds pretty strong. How can this be understood?

At different times, waves of uplift roll in different spheres. Once such a wave was associated with the Internet, now it is with food. And the reason for this is the most simple and natural, says Musk Jr. He argues that the current food industry and its entire concept is outdated; the food that ends up on the table, in most cases, was brought from afar and stuffed with additives that increase the shelf life. Buyers themselves sometimes choose too high-calorie, heavy food that does not benefit the body. But most often this happens because there is no other, more adequate choice: the prices for “natural”, healthy products from local producers are quite high, which demotivates. And young people are not too interested in farming.

Musk believes that a real revolution is overdue. Actually, now he himself is “on the front line”.

How can you change the current system, which seems comfortable and clumsy? According to Musk, it’s easy.

First, bet on increasing the consumption of plant foods, light and healthy. Secondly, to supply seasonal products of local producers to the shelves, because. it is practically a guarantee of freshness and high quality. Finally, to provide more opportunities for the development of this type of business among young people.

In 2016, Musk opened the Square roots hydroponic accelerator business: a campus that includes climate-controlled vertical farms with special lighting. The agricultural complex is designed for a thousand people.

Project participants can grow a variety of greens and salads on campus, with Musk and company offering to help them further market their products and even open a restaurant business.

Kimbal Musk also launched the Learning Gardens project (now it has 350 gardens), where children of different ages can learn gardening.

Time will tell what will grow from the seeds planted by Musk. Will he be able to change the whole world? Who knows who knows.

