Is beautiful future not so far away?

Polina Ermilova
Startup Reviews
Published in
8 min readAug 27, 2018

Scientists consider manned flight to be the next serious step in the study of Mars in the foreseeable future. Roscosmos, NASA and EKA, as well as some private companies such as Mars One and Space X, announced the creation of an opportunity for humanity to set foot on the surface of the planet.

Many consider the flight to the Red Planet a dream or an adventure that cannot be realized in the near future, but the development of this project is in full swing and not by one company. Several questions can already be answered. That’s what we did in our material.

How many times is there water on Mars?

In the XVII — XVIII centuries, scientists, thanks to a telescope with a five-hundredth magnification, noticed “polar caps” near the poles, the dimensions of which were measured throughout the year. Then scientists suggested that these caps are glaciers, but the presence of water on Mars in liquid form remained questionable.

In the XVII — XVIII centuries, scientists, thanks to a telescope with a five-hundredth magnification, noticed “polar caps” near the poles, the dimensions of which were measured throughout the year. Then scientists suggested that these caps are glaciers, but the presence of water on Mars in liquid form remained questionable.

The Northern Polar cap of Mars, a picture of the Mars Global Surveyor orbital station (March 13, 1999).

On August 4, 2007, the American Phoenix space module, equipped with a mini-laboratory and a rover, was launched from Earth. The rover could dig trenches up to a meter, capture and deliver soil to the laboratory. The samples showed the presence of moisture in the soil.

This year, on July 25, in the journal Science, Roberto Orosei from the National Astrophysical Institute in Bologna and his colleagues published an article in which they claimed that there is liquid water at a depth of about 1.5 km below the surface of the planet. The MARSIS radar on board the European Mars Express orbiter surveyed a 200-kilometer area of the Southern Plateau. The images showed a large area where the signal changed dramatically. A similar change was noticed during the study of the Earth’s surface in the regions of Greenland and Antarctica, and meant nothing more than the presence of liquid water under the surface. The diameter of the found reservoir is approximately 20 kilometers. Scientists have not been able to determine the depth of the water masses, since the radar power is not enough, but there is reason to believe that it is more than one meter.

Map of the Southern Plateau and the area explored by Marsis

“This makes it possible to classify it as an independent water reservoir. This is a lake, and not just a space filled with meltwater between ice and rock, which can sometimes be found under glaciers on Earth,” the scientist explained.

Water in liquid form on the surface of the planet adds optimism to researchers:

“Observing the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter station gives us a clearer idea that Mars has useful resources for future travelers. If you have water, then you have hydrogen and oxygen, and that’s what rocket fuel is made of,” says John Grunsfeld, a NASA science mission officer.

The presence of liquid water on Mars can significantly simplify and bring closer the possibility of manned flight. But despite the ambition and commitment of public and private companies, such space programs require economic costs of a cosmic scale.

How to fly?

First of all, future astronauts and cargo, and there are a lot of them — from laboratories to residential modules and provisions, need to be delivered safely to the surface in as short a time as possible. Flying for a long time is both dangerous and expensive. “Curiosity” flew to the surface of Mars for about nine months, however, what is good for the rover is death for a living organism. The longer the spacecraft is in outer space, the greater the impact of solar radiation on astronauts.

Despite the fact that SpaceX has already tested engines that allow it to reach the surface of the planet in 115 days, fuel costs for this journey have increased more than 4 times. These engines were developed for the BFR (Big Falcon Rocket) project, which includes two reusable stages: a ship (shuttle) and a launch vehicle. The ship can carry a cargo of up to 150 tons, as well as accommodate 120 passengers. Solar panels will generate electricity for the needs of the ship. SpaceX plans to launch 2 such ships with cargo to Mars in 2022, and in 2024 it is planned to send ships with cargo and astronauts.

“I want to make Mars possible and attainable, something that can still happen in our lives. So that everyone can fly if there is such a desire,” Musk said encouragingly at one of the press conferences.

The concept of the Big Falcon Rocket model

Where and how to live?

Flying to the surface and landing is still half the job. You need to get a foothold on the planet in order to start research activities. Martian pioneers should be protected as much as possible from the effects of the aggressive and “unfriendly” environment of the Red Planet. SpaceX, specifically the founder of the company, Elon Musk, said that he plans to build a self-sustaining city of a million people on Mars. In this city there will be not only residential and research buildings, but also greenhouses, repair shops and even factories for the production of rocket fuel.

A concept project of a city on Mars presented by SpaceX.

Many different projects are trying to kill all the birds with one stone at the same time. Some of them are striking in their originality. NASA has proposed using the Mars Ice Home project for the construction of a long-term home. It is an inflatable dome surrounded by a shell of water ice, which will save on the weight of the cargo delivered from the Ground, while desalinating and maintaining water reserves.

Testing such projects in the conditions of Mars itself is not only expensive, but also extremely dangerous. However, the UAE proposed to build a Martian city, and to get as close as possible to the conditions of the planet in order to test equipment and train future “marsonauts”. It is planned to finish its construction by 2021. It is noted that the area of the space city will be more than 170 thousand square meters, and its cost will exceed $ 135 million. The city will be a set of domed buildings designed for people’s homes and growing plants.

The latest personal protective equipment is also being developed. Spacesuits at NASA were developed on the basis of already used models for spacewalking.

SpaceX also distinguished themselves here, Elon Musk published a spacesuit designed by his engineers on his Instagram page. In comparison with the NASA spacesuit, it was distinguished by a very futuristic design and absolutely unlike the suits currently used by astronauts on the ISS.

In the picture, the spacesuit is captured against the background of the Dragon 2 manned spacecraft, the first flight of which is scheduled for December this year.

“ was very difficult to find a balance between aesthetics and functionality..” — said Musk.

What to eat?

The delivery of provisions to Mars is not only a question of the shelf life of products, but also a big question about their weight:

“When you talk about an expedition to Mars that lasts 2.5 years, we are talking about 10 tons of food. At the same time, about 1.5 tons is a package,” says the head of NASA Advanced Food System.

Also, do not forget about the nutritional value of these products — you will not be full of food delivery. Back in April 2012, scientists at the German Aerospace Center published the results of studies that tested the possibility of survival of Terrestrial plants in the Martian environment. Lichens and blue-green algae collected in the Alps and Antarctica were placed in a special chamber where the conditions of the Red Planet were artificially recreated. The experiment lasted more than a month, but the plants not only survived, but also continued to photosynthesize.

The ability to grow food autonomously will significantly reduce the cost of transporting provisions and diversify the diet of “marsonauts”. Recently, scientists have already proposed to create a “Martian greenhouse” for astronauts, which will allow them to grow some types of fruits and vegetables. A vegetarian menu of almost a hundred dishes has been developed.

A conceptual model of the “Martian greenhouse” presented at NASA.

Who is destined to be the first?

The prospect of writing yourself into history attracts many brave souls from all over the planet Earth, however, one courage to step into the unknown is not enough. Companies are conducting a rigorous selection of applicants for the role of the first man on Mars. An example of this is the company Mars One.

This company has been conducting an open recruitment of potential astronauts since 2013 for testing equipment, initial flights to the Moon, and in the relatively near future a flight to Mars. A total of 202,586 people applied for participation in the project. Of these, 660 people entered the second round, and 50 men and 50 women entered the third. Of these, 39 people are residents of North and South America, 31 people are from Europe, 16 are from Asian countries, 7 are from African countries and another 7 are residents of Oceania. However, despite the number of applicants, Mars One expects to reopen the set for its program in 2018. The flight itself is scheduled for September 2026.

And what is the result?

Is Mars colonization possible and when? It is definitely possible and relatively soon, however, it is more logical to ask — when it will not be so expensive? Despite the fact that the researchers of the Red Planet have advanced far enough, there is still a lot to find out, reducing the cost of studying as much as possible. Also, for most companies and countries, it is a matter of economic feasibility. Not every state can afford to engage in such research, and private companies require serious investments and large investments. The ambition of the projects stumbles over the lack of funding. But the interest of the world community, states and investors is growing exponentially, and we can hope that even the most distant plans will soon become closer.

