Have You Met…Dejana Raggi,

Meet our new Program Coordinator at AlphaLab Gear.

Innovation Works
Startups & Investment
3 min readJan 26, 2023


Q: Where did you grow up?

A: I grew up in the South Hills of Pittsburgh.

Q: How did you hear about Innovation Works?

A: I heard about IW through LinkedIn.

Q: What drew you to work here?

A: First, IW’s mission and purpose intrigued me, but it’s the collaborative, supportive nature of the people that work here that drew me in. It’s inspiring to work alongside creative, intelligent, and driven people.

Q: Let’s say I’m an entrepreneur in Southwestern Pennsylvania, what can I ask for your help on?

A: Since I come from a teaching background, I am a planner and problem solver by nature. I can help you refine your writing, presentation, and communication skills.

Q: Reflecting on your experience in project coordination and learning & development, what is the number one piece of advice you would give a startup?

A: It’s very important to make a plan but be open to change. Also, communicate with your team.

Q: What technology/industry are you most excited about and why?

A: I am excited about AI and robotics and how these technologies can extend the human reach.

Q: Step back to Dejana at age 18, what line of work had you envisioned for yourself? How closely aligned is your current work to that vision?

A: While I wasn’t 100% certain what I wanted to do at 18, I knew I wanted to teach in some capacity. For the past seven years, I have taught English Language Arts in both the public and private school setting, and I truly found the most satisfaction in developing curriculum for my students and seeing them grow. Likewise in this role, I am so excited to be a part of the IW team and help to facilitate growth for the entrepreneurs in any way possible.

Q: What issues that face our region are you most passionate about?

A: In our ever developing tech-driven world, both children and adults need to have more learning opportunities that can position them to succeed in a tech workspace. I would love to see our local businesses work with schools to better prepare our youth for work opportunities.

Q: Who were your influences growing up?

A: My parents were and still are my biggest influence.

Q: Do you have a recent book, TV show, movie or Podcast that you enjoyed?

A: This is a tough question only because the list is too long for all categories! I will stick to just books; I recently read The Only Woman in the Room by Marie Benedict and the Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo, and I can’t recommend them enough. I love chatting about books, TV Shows, and movies! If you have any good Podcast recommendations, I am all ears!

Q: Tell us about your volunteer work.

A: I am passionate about education, and I would love to find volunteer opportunities at a local library that promotes early literacy and reading.

Q: What does an average Saturday look like for you?

A: Every Saturday is very different, but my husband and I love spending time with family and friends. We also love trying out new recipes and checking out cool restaurants in town.

Q: When asked for a ‘fun fact’ about yourself, what’s your go-to?

A: I like to play tennis even though I am not very good at it!



Innovation Works
Startups & Investment

Innovation Works is one of the nation’s most active seed funds. AlphaLab (AL), ALGear, and ALHealth are nationally ranked startup accelerator programs of IW.