Get to know Dwayne, our new Communications Coordinator!

Have You Met…Dwayne Tabb

Innovation Works
Startups & Investment
3 min readDec 9, 2022


Meet our new Communications Coordinator

Q: Where did you grow up?

A: I’m a Philly guy at heart…but I have to show love to Pittsburgh as well.

Q: How did you hear about Innovation Works?

A: On multiple occasions! One of my photography partners connected IW and me, and secondly, when I was doing some website maintenance for one of my clients, I messaged my client about the open position. The rest is history.

Q: What drew you to work here?

A: The fact that I had an opportunity to be a part of an amazing team doing amazing things for many organizations, doing what I love to do and have been doing for my business

Q: Let’s say I’m an entrepreneur in Southwestern Pennsylvania, what can I ask for your help on?

A: Just about anything that pertains to growing your business online! The name of my company is Prime Web Design, but I’ve tapped into everything beyond that, such as branding, email marketing, social media, etc. I love helping businesses of all kinds grow!

Q: Reflecting on your experience in web design and branding, what is the number one piece of advice you would give a startup?

A: “Trust the Process” — Joel Embiid

Q: What technology/industry are you most excited about and why?

A: My grandma taught me to learn as much as I can so, not to sound cliche, but all of it. I want to be able to have a conversation any time an opportunity presents itself.

Q: Step back to Dwayne at age 18, what line of work had you envisioned for yourself? How closely aligned is your current work to that vision?

A: I always thought I was going to sit behind a desk wearing Brooks Brothers suits. For a while I did, spending 15 years in banking with a focus in business banking. The tools I’ve learned from banking are tools I can use in everyday life when it comes to providing quality solutions for others. Now, I can do that while enjoying the work I do!

Q: What issues that face our region are you most passionate about?

A: Being able to be a presence in the minority communities of our region. I want to help as many people as I can, but if I can bring technology and innovation to underserved communities, I would feel accomplished knowing that I made a difference in someone’s life.

Q: Who were your influences growing up?

A: My grandmother for all the wisdom, Deion Sanders because of his confidence, and my mother for motivation.

Q: Do you have a recent book, TV show, movie or Podcast that you enjoyed?

A: Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. I’m an old school guy when it comes to TV so I’m either watching Martin, Columbo, or Matlock, and my favorite podcast right now is Million Dollaz Worth of Game.

Q: Tell us about your volunteer work.

A: Volunteering is an opportunity I would love to work on. Between running a business and providing for my family, 2022 has been challenging when it comes to work-life balance.

Q: What does an average Saturday look like for you?

A: If I’m not working on websites for clients I’m usually relaxing or spending quality time with my family. Ideally, I’d be planning a date night for my wife and I.

Q: When asked for a ‘fun fact’ about yourself, what’s your go-to?

A: I HATE cheese!



Innovation Works
Startups & Investment

Innovation Works is one of the nation’s most active seed funds. AlphaLab (AL), ALGear, and ALHealth are nationally ranked startup accelerator programs of IW.