
Blockthrough helps online publishers recover the revenue they are losing to adblockers. We, the Global Editors Network, asked a few questions for our Startups For News competition. To vote for Blockthrough, please do it here!

Catarina Falcao
Startups for News
2 min readMay 18, 2017


GEN: What problem are you solving?

Blockthrough: 20–30% of Internet users use an adblocker. Currently, online publishers have no reliable way to monetise such users, instead losing money because of the costs associated with serving content to these users.

While there exist many micro-/macropayment solutions on the market, research consistently shows that only about 20% of these users are willing to pay for an ad-free experience.”

Could you describe your solution to these problems?

Blockthrough delivers ads in a way that makes them undetectable to adblockers, while:

Of the approximately 80% of user who are unwilling to pay for an ad-free experience, over 90% are willing to see ads if they are served in a way that solves the follow user pain points:

-Disruptive ad experiences (pop-ups, unskippable pre-roll videos)
-Slow ad load times
-Risk of malware
-Privacy concerns

Blockthrough is the only product on the market that allows publishers to monetise their adblocked traffic while addressing the pain points that drive users to block ads.

List 3 reasons why you are better than your competitors:

1. Easy setup & virtually no maintenance, resulting in low sales friction. Competitors require complex server-side changes, or DNS redirects, as well as a cumbersome maintenance when they get blocked.

2. Works on all adblockers and browsers. Our top competitor only has 70% coverage across the adblocking ecosystem.

3. User-friendly: Solves for the pain points of all stakeholders in the value exchange (including the user).

What is your business model?

Publishers can choose between a revenue-share model or flat CPM rate for ads successfully delivered to users of adblocking technology.

We only charge the publisher when we monetise their adblocked inventory, meaning that all revenue generated by our product is purely additive.

What are your next steps? Future developments or features to be added to your product?

  • Building a self-serve signup process

To vote for Blockthrough, please do it here!

