The Only Thing I Remember From 7th Grade Social Studies

Startups and Burritos
2 min readAug 3, 2016

Lake Titicaca, which for obvious reasons is the only global body of water whose name I can remember from my 7th grade social studies class, was lovely. We stayed there three days and really did a whole lot of nothing. It was perfect.

In the mornings we would build fires in our room and lie in bed with nothing to do or nowhere to go.

The afternoons were spent reading books, chasing the sun and lounging in hammocks with white wine and guacamole. An occasional cat nap (or six) may have also occurred.

At night we would hit the hot tub, gaze up at the milkyway and then come back to our room and cozy up to another fire.

When I was younger I used to find these types of “sit by the pool and do nothing” vacations unbearably boring.

I remember one time in particular I was in Hawaii with my family. My sister and I did one of those bike down a volcano tours. I got overambitious, crashed headfirst over the handlebars and got a nasty case of road rash on both my palms. Due to the risk of infection, the doctor would not allow me to go in the ocean the rest of the trip.

My only option was to sit by the pool with the same paperback copy of the Devinci Code that everyone else was reading. I looked up at one point and literally saw four other people reading the same book.

Seriously? My life has been reduced to reading Dan Brown novels by a pool? Ughhhhhhh!!!!

I felt like a schnook .

Well, that was then and this is now.

Now I’m unabashedly into “sit by the pool and do nothing” vacations. I caught the bug July 2015 on a trip to Mexico with friends and became a full on relaxation addict last November when Brittany and I met up with our cousins in Florida for alternative Thanksgiving.

Yesterday, we landed back just outside La Paz, Bolivia where one of the area’s most famous attractions is a biking tour down “the world’s most dangerous road.” It sounds fun and I think I’ll probably try it. But if I end up skipping it, I really wouldn’t care one way or the other.

As I’ve gotten older I’ve become far less inclined to ride at speeds that will launch me over any handlebars. I’ve come to realize life doesn’t need to be exhilarating 24/7. A glass of vino, a book and some sun these days makes me just as happy.

By the way, anyone know where I can get a good Dan Brown novel in Bolivia?



Startups and Burritos

Director @Techstars, LA. Previously Co-founder @GiveForward. Likes burritos. Dislikes injustice.