Nurture Your Day With These 4 Morning Rituals

Vartika Kashyap
Published in
5 min readMay 16, 2017

My grandfather usually starts his day at 5 a.m, followed by yoga in his favorite part of the lawn. Without fail he and his friends, are engaged in daily yoga practices. Back from yoga, he prepares for himself a healthy breakfast and enjoys it while reading a newspaper.

I was not an early bird back then till I started realizing how productive it is to get up early and follow the morning rituals by observing my grandfather. My grandfather has always been a great motivation for me to start off my day on a positive note. He believes, “morning is that time of the day which will make or break a good or a bad day”.

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It instills a sense of peace and ritual into your day and builds a solid foundation for your daily activities. When we wake-up, we are all blank and the secret behind filling the blank with something awesome is — Morning Rituals.

One day, my grandfather told me about the sleep schedules of Zen Buddhist monks. It really fascinated me to find out that they, in a common manner, had sleep schedules somewhere around 10–11 P.M. to 3–4 A.M. He mentioned things about body’s natural rhythm which encourages in them the need of less sleep. I was highly inspired and convinced to wake up early from this instance.

Though it was a gradual process, I would begin waking up early. It made me realize that the outcome of the day is often predicted by how you start and for a head start you have to be an “early bird”.

‘The early bird catches the worm’

Now, if you are thinking of modifying your morning habits, adopting simple morning rituals will help you nurture your day. But let me first introduce you to what is morning rituals? — It is a schedule that you follow as a part of your day, a to-do-list to do in the morning to keep you energized and productive.

Why Morning Rituals?

  • Morning rituals give you a chance to enjoy the luxury of time by rising at an appropriate time.
  • They develops a good habit of getting out of bed at a certain time.
  • You can start your day with a note “I did something good today for myself”.
  • It lets you combine your best habits together.

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive — to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. — Marcus Aurelius

Try to get the most of your life by making the most of each morning. While writing the story of your life, do not let anyone else hold the pen. Follow these healthy morning rituals and see how it will bring a change in your life.

A stretching routine / Yoga

Start your day with power yoga or a stretch schedule to make your muscles fit for the day. Start with basic ones and then make it a routine. You will find it a bit difficult initially, it would soon become a habit and you would love doing it.

Jot down your goals or tasks

Identify the important tasks of the day and complete them as early in the day as possible. It will help you focus on your day and you won’t miss out on the priorities. It will make your life easy as you will utilize your energy in doing things that really count for your productivity.

Hot lemon water

While you are asleep, your body is dehydrated for a long time. So one of the best things you can do when you wake up is to hydrate your body. Avoid consuming bed tea or coffee. Consume a glass of hot water, you can add a slice of lemon to it. This is a good source of Vitamin C and will help to remove toxins in the morning. You would start experiencing the difference in your body.

A healthy breakfast

Say NO to that unhealthy stuff. Morning people should make a wholesome breakfast that includes proteins. In your routine include these 5 foods that can highly increase your chances of success in life. Health food will fuel up your body and provide you energy to remain focused whole day.

Be an early bird and focus on what you have to do. Do not start your day by waking up feeling stressed, negative and tired. Unfortunately, it won’t be of any benefit. The idea lies behind being proactive and not reactive.

Are you a morning person? Now is the best time to start your morning ritual. It will surely make you feel great. Following these 4 rituals you will wake up to success every morning. Build a habit and you will enjoy it.

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Vartika Kashyap is a seasoned marketing professional who is an expert in digital marketing and entrepreneurship. She’s been featured among LinkedIn’s Top Voices for the year 2016. She currently runs the marketing team at ProofHub — a project management software for teams of all sizes. Connect with Vartika on LinkedIn, Medium and Twitter.

Also follow our company page @ProofHub to get the recent updates about our tool, published articles, motivational quotes & presentations.


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Vartika Kashyap

Chief Marketing Officer@ProofHub. Featured writer on LinkedIn. Contributor at Elearning Industry, Dzone, Your Story and