Startups Daily: Weekend Edition (Week 16/52)

Every day, I hand-curate 6 pieces of startup content for the Startups Daily Newsletter* subscribers. These are the top 5 stories** of the past weeks Newsletter. Enjoy!

Steph Newton
3 min readApr 22, 2017


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Story Of The Week

Build your Startup around Passion.

Instead of starting with “what will make the most money?” and hoping you like it — Start with what you’re passionate about and figure out how to do it profitably. By using passion as your North Star, you’re making sure that however you’re going to spend your time, it’s going to be toward something you’re really into. Some days it’s going to feel like you don’t notice you’re not getting paid and other days — you won’t believe you’re getting paid to do something you love so much.

Wil Schroter // Founder + CEO @

It’s no secret that remote work arrangements have become more prevalent over the last decade. For the latest remote work trends, and for techniques that managers can use to keep their distributed teams connected and on-task, check out this infographic.

David Hassell // Founder & CEO @ 15Five

Let’s be real: No one loves email. Sure, it’s convenient — and there’s no doubt that it makes doing business easier, but no one truly loves it. But, everyone appreciates a handwritten note because of the very personal place they hold for most people. So, it’s really not a stretch of the imagination to assume that a handwritten note can help forge stronger relationships.

Emma McGowan // Speaks with Zvi Band; CEO @ Contactually

Congrats — your degree means nothing here! While you should be proud for setting goals around your education and seeing them through — your degree is just the most expensive piece of artwork from your past. Here’s why.

Wil Schroter // Founder + CEO @

Help your mentors who you respect and admire succeed overtime — and in parallel — learn how they lead, operate and execute from within their organizations. This will present you a highly unique and vivid picture into the underlying characteristics and systems that ultimately make them successful.

Doug Crescenzi // Partner @ Upstate Interactive

Every day we share the TL;DR version of everything interesting happening in the startup world in the Startups Daily Newsletter. Sign up here to get future issues!

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Steph Newton

I believe unicorns are simply horses with better marketing.