Startups Daily: Weekend Edition (Week 19/52)

Every day, I hand-curate 6 pieces of startup content for the Startups Daily Newsletter* subscribers. These are the top 5 stories** of the past weeks Newsletter. Enjoy!

Steph Newton
3 min readMay 13, 2017


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Story Of The Week

When you type ‘management’ into Google, the first result reads: “the process of dealing with or controlling things or people.”

Criminy — that sounds awful. ‘Dealing with something’ is almost always not fun. Instead, give people the tools and feedback they need to succeed — and to develop their career path in whatever direction they wish to go. Imagine if we started to say “I’m in charge of empowering people. I’m responsible for serving them. My focus is to clear their path. I try to help them grow.” Instead of implying that you deal with and control them.
Jonas Gyalokay // Co-founder + CEO @ Airtame

Having a keg, or snacks, or dogs, or games, or a lunch area do not equal company culture. Each of these things add to your efforts — but people need you to lead. It’s how successful companies get through the hard times, the periods of crazy growth, and everything else in between. That said — Not everything is helpful and not everything is useful. If you want to build an indestructible team — you shouldn’t do these 7 things.

Andy Rosic // Serial Entrepreneur

Marketplaces take much longer to reach product-market fit, liquidity, scale, and are often a 7–10 year venture before you’ve nailed it. Remember to build your marketplace with a passion and vision that’s big, lofty, and adds a positive impact to the people and world surrounding it.

Tristan Pollock // Venture Partner @ 500Startups

It’s depressing when your company fails. You might have less money than when you started, a bruised ego, and what feels like a bunch of wasted time. But, if you learn from it, and take what you learned and apply it to your next venture, you will be a thousand times better off than when you started. Josh Tucker // Partner + COO @ Designli

Can chat be professional? Well, VentureApp is betting on it. Chase Garbarino and his team at VentureApp know that the current options for job seekers online aren’t making the cut. Their solution? Professional networking — with a millennial twist.

Emma McGowan // Interview with Chase Garbarino; CEO @ VentureApp

Every day we share the TL;DR version of everything interesting happening in the startup world in the Startups Daily Newsletter. Sign up here to get future issues!

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Steph Newton

I believe unicorns are simply horses with better marketing.