🚀 Crunch #023

Insights and reports trusted by the industry leaders

Trevor-Indrek Lasn
3 min readMay 4, 2021


Originally published here: https://www.startupscrushing.com/p/-023

Trevor here. I’m tinkering and experimenting with a shorter format. I was going through a list earlier and noticed I could go through 5 startups before I lost my attention span and started to fade away.

I always try to put myself into my readers’ shoes and improve the overall reading experience. If you prefer the longer, once-per-week format, let me know.

🇮🇹 Adflow: Create Open AI-powered ads that convert. Empower your team to create engaging copy and banners in less than a minute. Currently in open beta. (Founded 2021, Total Funding Amount: bootstrapped)

“Creatives drive ~70% of digital advertising campaigns performance. But creating copy and images that convert for your Google, Facebook, or Instagram campaigns takes a lot of time. Adflow automates that process using AI.” — Co-founder, Lorenzo Signoretti (ex-Google)

The Adflow team consists of two smart Italian web engineers.

🇺🇸 Flurly: Platform where you sell digital products online. Similar to Gumroad, but with fewer fees and cheaper. $4k/mo. (Founded 2020, Total Funding Amount: bootstrapped)

Note: Flurly increased their MRR by an outstanding +410% the previous month.

