2gether — Reconnecting through music

Dan Bloom
Published in
1 min readJul 19, 2018
Roy Tal, CEO of 2gether, at the MassChallenge #StartupShuk event

At first glance, most people wound’t have a clue about the background of Roy Tal, CEO of 2gether.

Roy spent years studying music theory, composition, music technology, and production, and then ran a recording studio where he managed many of Israel’s leading artists and musicians. He produced and hosted the first Facebook Live-Music Show for 92 episodes (over 250,000 viewers) and, as a volunteer, established a musical group of 6 autistic singers, which toured for 3 years.

Just this year, Roy founded 2gether, an initiative established to deal with the growing phenomena of elderly loneliness. The 2gether app creates a powerful connection between elderly people and volunteers, which fosters mutual listening and open conversation about music and the memories it awakens. It reduces their sense of loneliness and promotes quality of life.


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