StartupToken Specialized Master “Blockchain Project Design”

Vic Perdido
Published in
2 min readOct 3, 2018

StartupToken has teamed up with the ECE Paris School of Engineering and ESCE International business school to offer the Specialized Master “Blockchain Project Design” accredited by Conférence des Grandes Ecoles (CGE). Proposed for a diploma of bac + 6, this MS presents the technical aspects of the blockchain and will present the impacts on economic models and their potential evolutions.

It is the first diploma of its kind and we are proud to be the main partners and initiators of this program starting in January.

Startuptoken offers other ongoing education activities as a partner in this project. Without going as far as technical expertise, this program will make it possible to meet the requirements of recruiters who seek:

  • beyond traditional manager/engineer knowledge
  • Cross-skills
  • to translate the requirements of “business” in terms of architectures technologies or conversely
  • to take advantage of them in order to adept technological tools to the practice of the enterprise.
We signed an MoU with the division of Software Science and Engineering at Ewha Womans University to offer and promote blockchain education, internships and events.

Startuptoken Accelerator Manager, Sébastien Rouxel discussing bitcoin, blockchain, and new business models to master 2 students in finance from the international business school INSEEC and the computer engineering school EPITA in Paris and the Department of Computer engineering of Ewha Women’s University in South Korea.
Adoption = education.

Read more about this project and other news in the Startuptoken community here.

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