Five questions with Kevin Yun — founder of GrowSurf

A Subscriber Spotlight from StartupWatching.

Andrew Askins
2 min readJun 28, 2018


Introduce yourself and tell the Startup Watching community a little bit about your background.

​Hey everyone. I’m Kevin!

​I studied finance, but always found the startup scene exciting and fun. Outside of classes, I immersed myself in design/development, and eventually started the first UX/UI design bootcamp Designation from my dorm room. A few years in, amongst burnout and other factors, I decided to focus on what I really wanted to pursue, which was SaaS.

I think of Designation as my ‘MBA experience’, having learned and experienced everything from surviving (nearing startup death multiple times), finding product/market fit, discovering the power of automated marketing (Infusionsoft was the backbone of our business), and all things related to growing an early-stage startup. Happy to share my learnings!

I’m continuing to learn/build/fail/iterate every day. I’m currently working on GrowSurf.

What’s your 140-character elevator pitch for your company? (That’s right, we’re going old school tweet!)

GrowSurf lets you get more customers and grow your business through viral refer-a-friend referral campaigns.

What’s one thing you need help with right now?

We’re not doing a great job in showing the capabilities of integrating GrowSurf.js with your own product/SaaS, so our current users/customers aren’t the ones who we think could benefit the most from using our referral platform.

I’d love to talk to you if you are a running a startup/SaaS and get your thoughts on our JS integration process. (Email me

What piece of advice would you share with other entrepreneurs who are just getting started?

Hey friend, life isn’t a journey, remember to ​enjoy it! :)

What do you like to do when you’re not working on Growsurf?

​Currently: enjoying ​Chicago summer weather​ before it gets cold again. ☀️😎

What is your most-used emoji?


This post is part of a new experiment from StartupWatching. The goal is to highlight our awesome community and help it grow.

StartupWatching is a bi-weekly newsletter full of curated knowledge, inspiration and background stories from the startup world. 🔑

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Andrew Askins

Partner and CEO at Krit. My mission is to empower non-technical founders to build successful startups outside of Silicon Valley. Still a developer at heart.