The Dutch basketball player/content marketer hitting Homeruns

Andrew Askins
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2018

A Subscriber Spotlight from StartupWatching

Introduce yourself and tell the Startup Watching community a little bit about your background.

Hi, I’m Yuki! 👋 I work as the project lead on The Art of Work at hiring start-up Homerun.

I was born and raised in Amsterdam and spent some time living in San Francisco. Although my friends call me clumsy, I’m pretty good at playing basketball. 🏀

What’s your 140-character elevator pitch for Homerun (or a personal project)?

Rooted in creative culture, companies like Buffer, WeTransfer and Bugaboo use Homerun to attract talent and streamline their hiring workflow.

What’s one thing you need help with right now?

The Art of Work is Homerun’s online magazine exploring company culture, employer branding, work/life balance and office rituals at design-minded companies all over the world.

As the project lead I’m currently researching the most common hiring struggles start-ups and companies are struggling with, so we can help solve those problems and make the solutions more accessible.

I’d love to hear people’s hiring pains :)

Reach out to me via our website or email me at

What piece of advice would you share with other entrepreneurs who are just getting started?

Put as much time and attention possible into your hiring strategy and process. The better you hire, the better your team, and the healthier the company.

What do you like to do when you’re not working on The Art of Work?

Next to Homerun I run my own art blog called Kunst Kijken (Art Watching) for which I spend most of my spare time in museums and galleries. Every six weeks I take the Homerun team to an exhibition I love.

What is your most-used emoji?




Andrew Askins

Partner and CEO at Krit. My mission is to empower non-technical founders to build successful startups outside of Silicon Valley. Still a developer at heart.