Disruptive Startups Think Different

Disruptech for Maritime series — issue 4

Leonardo Zangrando
2 min readNov 21, 2017


Batman Shield CC-0

How could a startup possibly disrupt an industry? Ask Steve Blank, who in this very controversial HBR post explains what startup and established organisation can and cannot do. Disruptive startups have a huge advantage, they can do anything

One of the unheralded advantages of a startup is what at first glance appears to be its weakness. Initially, a startup has no business model and no market share to defend. Its employees and investors don’t depend on an existing revenue stream. If they select a business model that targets industry incumbents, they don’t have to worry about upsetting existing customers, partners, or distribution channels.” — Steve Blank

And it gets scarier, showing how often rules and regulations are built to protect the incumbents, and what disruptors do about it… they break the rules.

I’m not suggesting to do the “scary” thing that startups “can” do, nor that it is “the right thing to do.” Just observing that this is happening. Incumbents must take note of the new business dynamic and become open to startup-driven disruptive innovation rater than lock themselves behind rules that stifle innovation. Better be on the same side as disruptors, learn from them and leverage the relationship for growth through innovation.

Disruptech for Maritime series — earlier issues

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Leonardo Zangrando

⎈ MSc Naval Architect, MBA — Business Innovation & Startups — StartupWharf.com the London Maritime Startup Accelerator