Disruptive Tech Startups in Shipping

Disruptech for Maritime series — issue 1

Leonardo Zangrando
2 min readNov 9, 2017


Flexport Office

Disruptive tech startups operate in a totally unconventional way (unconventional for incumbents, that is). Maritime has to understand how they work so to be able to take advantage of the mounting wave of #Disruptech and surf it rather than being overwhelmed by it. Let’s have a peek on how they operate.

The 2 articles below provide an inside look at a disruptive startup in Shipping & Logistics, called Flexport. The founders didn’t even know what the term ‘freight forwarder’ meant until a year into starting the business.

“I didn’t learn what the term ‘freight forwarder’ meant until a year into starting the business.” — Ryan Petersen, founder, Flexport

Nonetheless after a couple of years of hard work and 3 months at the world most important startup accelerator Y-combinator, now they are honestly changing the face of freight-forwarding. And their valuation is $800m.

Time for Maritime to get used to startups, embrace their ethos and learn to change the industry with them. Let’s embark on that journey!

We are building the London Maritime Startup Accelerator. Interested industry players, potential sponsors and startups can get in touch with us at Startup Wharf. Where Digital Disruptors and Maritime meet.

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Leonardo Zangrando

⎈ MSc Naval Architect, MBA — Business Innovation & Startups — StartupWharf.com the London Maritime Startup Accelerator