NYC Maritime Hackathon 2019

Leonardo Zangrando
Published in
2 min readFeb 12, 2019

Connecting Big Data and Maritime

Who: NYMIC – New York Maritime Innovation Center

What: Hackathon

When: March 29th-31st

Where: Venue TBD (NYC location)

How: Apply here

Hosted by the New York Maritime Innovation Center (NYMIC) and R1 Labs, the NYC Maritime Hackathon will address real world challenges related to the changing shipping industry, within the areas of out-at-sea (floating), ports, logistics, supply chain and cargo visibility. The overall theme of the Hackathon is “Connecting Big Data and Maritime”.

100+ participants (developers, designers, domain experts) will convene for 36 hours of building prototypes, rapid fire market validation and business model invention. Participants will have rare access to top maritime industry and NYC tech executives, experts, mentors, investors and entrepreneurs so they can effectively work on building commercially viable solutions that address the shipping industry today.

The initial problems sets will focus on:

  • Cyber Security
  • Maritime Big Data
  • Supply Chain Velocity

Demos from the weekend will be presented Sunday afternoon. Additional partners, sponsors and prizes will be announced soon! Stay tuned for further information on registration. If you are interested in being a sponsor, please respond to this note or drop us a line at

Apply here

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Leonardo Zangrando

⎈ MSc Naval Architect, MBA — Business Innovation & Startups — the London Maritime Startup Accelerator