Month in Review — May 2021

Krypto Walker
Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2021

Check the summary of what was going on during the last month in crypto

Welcome to Month in Review, where the team behind STASIS and EURS shares our updates from the past month and some thoughts on key events and issues in the cryptocurrency and stablecoin space.

The Month in Review is distributed each month initially as a newsletter. You can sign up to receive it here.

Will the Red-Green market uncertainty continue?

Despite the spring came to an end, the worries of the traders, shaken by disastrous cryptocurrency market moves, are still going strong. Inspired by April’s all-time highs of many leading cryptocurrencies, investors hoped to see an infinite bull run and new gains by the end of Spring. Their expectations were crushed by an avalanche of events — a series of news in the media that ignited the wave of negativity regarding the cryptocurrency sector. The latest explosive tweet of Elon Musk questioned the problem of the carbon footprint generated by the world’s largest digital asset — Bitcoin.

Tesla has suspended the sale of cars for BTC, and this announcement made the price of a digital gold drop to winter levels, dangerously flirting with the $30.000 level at some point. Overall, BTC in May suffered a 34.5% drop, and the aggregate volume of losses exceeded historical indicators.

While the first media attack on BTC dragged the whole market down, the news of the mining ban in China has dealt an even more severe blow as its crusade aimed to ban the mining operations completely. However, the week after the toughest crash, the market started to show signs of recovery. By the end of May, miners began to look for new grounds to set their operations.

Once again, we remind you that stablecoin is the only real asset that can save your capital in times of harsh volatility. Trust reputable and transparent solutions only, when you are not sure about the market’s next move. Market cycles are unexpected, and EURS is your safe harbor from crypto storms like this one.

We hope that Summer will bring back the green shades to the market and provide you with more exciting opportunities! Meanwhile, do expect cool news from the STASIS team — our team is working hard to make your experience in crypto smoother.

Project News

  • EURS supply has increased

EURS total supply has increased by more than 100% in 2021 which definitely shows the rising demand for our digital asset. With further growth of the DeFi area, we expect more popularity for the largest euro-backed stablecoin.

  • Trade EURS on Blocktane and win!

As the spring ends, new horizons loom. STASIS continues to explore global markets with more partnerships. Brazilian crypto exchange Blocktane listed EURS, offering an excellent trading opportunity for Blocktaners to acquire stable positions in Euros and enjoy trading strategies to make markets or arbitrage against global euro-denominated markets. STASIS and Blocktane join forces to promote initiatives and let you win the share of the crypto euro prize pool!

  • EURS X Anyswap

We are delighted to announce that the largest and most transparent EURS stablecoin is now available on AnyswapNetwork!

Anyswap is a trustless protocol to bridge assets between heterogenous layer-1 platforms and to facilitate cross-chain swaps. Check it out!

Worth Reading & Watching

CEO of STASIS published a few opinions in May:

  • Gregory says that Ethereum is coming out of Bitcoin’s shadow and could outdo BTC’s growth this year — growing to $10–15k per ETH!
  • Mr. Klumov is sure that Ethereum is vastly becoming the new silver of the crypto market, and its top moment is yet to come.
  • The cryptocurrency market will bounce back and the recovery will continue after a certain period.
  • Many users ask about the expertise of our team. This video is the best example of what it takes to build the largest euro-backed stablecoin. More features are expected in the coming months!

What’s Coming Next?

Thanks for reading this letter and staying with us!

We plan to deliver you new features in June and enhance the customer experience. New developments will make the process of interaction even more convenient.

Subscribe to Weekly Stablecoin Digest to stay updated on what’s coming in the crypto world, and read our “Month in Review” to read the 4-week summary of our achievements!

Moreover, make sure you subscribed to our socials on Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to stay tuned to what we’re up to!

Thanks for reading the STASIS Blog! Want to learn more about what we do? Check out our website, or download the STASIS Wallet.



Krypto Walker

Spearheading crypto and beyond. Marketing supremacy and future-driven tech content production.