Month in Review: May

Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2019

Welcome to Month in Review, where the team behind STASIS shares our updates from the past month, as well as some thoughts on key issues for the stablecoin space.

The Month in Review is originally distributed each month as a newsletter. You can sign up to receive it here.

Payments: the next stablecoin frontier

Since our EURS stablecoin went live nearly a year ago, people all over the world have used it to trade against various other cryptocurrencies. We love that. Using a stablecoin makes it cheaper, easier and faster to enter and exit positions in other, more volatile digital assets.

But at the end of the day, our dream is bigger than just trading. That’s why, over the past couple months, we’ve set our sights on a new frontier: payments.

More than any other type of cryptocurrency, fiat-backed stablecoins have the potential to transform everyday transactions, not just because they’re stable, but because they allow merchants and customers to continue doing business in the base units of their financial lives. Even if bitcoin were to stabilize, people who have to get over the mental hurdle of calculating how 0.00059 BTC fits into their euro-denominated budget when to go to buy a coffee. Most people just want to spend euros, or dollars — and if the blockchain makes that process more efficient, then all the better.

Earlier this month, attendees of the Malta AI & Blockchain summit had the opportunity to buy drinks at the event using EURS. Partnerships like this allow people to experience crypto payments firsthand, and learn that it’s not as hard as it may sound. Last month, we announced that EURS is now integrated with CoinPayments, the largest crypto payment processor. That integration gives approximately 2.5 million vendors the option to accept crypto payments.

By continuing to take steps like these, we’re committing to making crypto payments easy and accessible for people across Europe and the world. Keep reading our monthly newsletter for updates on our progress.

EURS listed on Bitfinex

EURS is now available for trading on Bitfinex and Ethfinex, two of the world’s most prominent cryptocurrency exchanges. Bitfinex has over 1.6 million users, and offers 120 trading pairs. Users can trade EURS against both ETH and the US Dollar.

In addition to Bitfinex, EURS has recently been listed on IDEX, a decentralized exchange for ERC-20 tokens, and the cross-chain exchange Swap.Online.

Crypto invoices with EURS

We’re always looking to partner with companies who want to expand the range of use cases for EURS. This month, Cryptofi began supporting EURS for invoices. Cryptofi allows users to easily create invoices are receive payment in various cryptocurrencies.

Malta Blockchain and AI Summit

On May 24, our CEO Gregory moderated a panel at the Malta AI and Blockchain summit titled “Global Banking in the Digital Age.” You can watch the panel here.

We also partnered with POS provider Salamantex to allow users to buy half-off drinks with EURS at the Quarterdeck Bar attached to the event venue. Hundreds of attendees took part in the promotion, and got a taste of what it’s like to use EURS for an everyday purchase.

Worth Watching

Want to learn more about what STASIS is up to, and how we view the some of the big questions currently associated with digital assets? Check out this interview Gregory did with EAK TV, and this one from Blockshow Asia.

Thanks for reading the STASIS Blog! Want to learn more about what we do? Check out our website, or download the STASIS Wallet.




We’re creating a new financial ecosystem designed to harness the benefits of both traditional finance and blockchain technology.