Some concerns about Bitibu exchange

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1 min readMay 31, 2019

It’s come to our attention that some users of the Bitibu cryptocurrency exchange may have become unable to withdraw their funds from the exchange. Because Bitibu lists EURS, we take this information very seriously. One of clients has also had difficulty withdrawing funds, and we have reached out to the team behind the exchange and demanded that they release the clients’ funds immediately, but so far our client has remained unable to recover the funds. Our client is now taking legal action against the exchange.

Though STASIS is not responsible for what is done with tokens in the secondary market, we work hard to provide a healthy, honest ecosystem for holders of EURS. We will continue to do whatever we can to encourage Bitibu to act honestly and transparently with user funds, and are willing to withdraw our market making support from the exchange if we aren’t convinced that it is a safe place to trade EURS.

In the meantime, we encourage holders of EURS to avoid depositing any additional tokens with Bitibu. If you need an alternative place to trade, we’d encourage you to join our Telegram chat and ask for recommendations, or take a look at the list of exchanges supporting EURS on our website.




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