STASIS Introduces EURS purchase commissions

Krypto Walker
Published in
3 min readJan 3, 2022

A very special announcement

The world has gotten one step closer to cryptocurrency adoption. Don’t be late on that train. Nowadays, interfaces have taken a leap forward in user experience. Moreover, unlike fiat money, stablecoins such as EURS in STASIS Wallet can’t be the host for any kind of viruses. It’s safe, and it’s transparent and it’s fast. Our non-custodial solution provides clients from all over the world with an option to buy and sell EURS with the shortest user journey on the market. You can also set your crypto euro account in less than a minute and enjoy an easier way to interact with digital assets.

Dear STASIS users! This day has come. We have been subsidizing the blockchain EURS commissions for purchase and sell of the largest euro stablecoin for more than 3 years now as well as the STASIS wallet Delegated Transfer option — a unique feature that allows transferring EURS without any ETH on the user’s account.

The global banking system deteriorated further, and institutions started to make money just by holding your funds in the accounts, but we continued to subsidize the banking transfer commissions. However, the current volume of sell/purchases through our service has become so evidently high that we proudly assume that EURS awareness and popularity on the digital asset market has reached a very substantial level.

In 2021, EURS reserves have reached 100 million. With this in mind, we decided to introduce purchase commissions to ensure that institutional-grade stablecoin infrastructure is equally accessible to everyone, being confident that the community will understand us and pay this small but vital price.

The current commission rate is the following:

ETHEREUM: crypto-withdrawals 0,1% minimum 100 euros

ETHEREUM: fiat-withdrawal 0,1% minimum 100 euros

ALGORAND: crypto-withdrawals = 0

ALGORAND: fiat-withdrawal = 0,1%

Please note! If you send less than € 100 per purchase using the Ethereum blockchain, you will not receive anything as this amount will only cover the commissions we set.

In case less than 100 Euros has been sent, the whole amount will be charged in the form of a commission.

Please note that the Sellback service doesn’t work in “accumulation mode”. Therefore, SCB can’t accumulate clients’ funds on transit accounts. If the amount sent by the user is not sufficient to complete the transaction, a commission is fully charged from the incoming transfer. SCB can’t send it back either since such a transaction will already be at the company’s expense.

Our team will update you on any changes. Thank you for staying with us!

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Krypto Walker

Spearheading crypto and beyond. Marketing supremacy and future-driven tech content production.