Production Update: Volume IV

The Stata Clock Company
The Stata Clock Blog
2 min readApr 3, 2018

Happy Spring! Here in Brooklyn we have had a very interesting month — snow storms and cold weather has made for a slow start to the spring, but we have plowed on!

Here’s an overview of what we were up to this month:

  • Our software team has finished the updates to our iOS app, making V3 a reality! The team has now begun working on a new production build for the embedded code and enabling over-the-air updates.
  • Our mechanics team finalized all design work and began testing manufacturing processes which will continue through the end of this month.
  • Our hardware team has begun sourcing all of our production materials and placing orders for long lead-time items.

Hopefully, everyone has been staying up-to-date on our progress throughout the month with our live roadmap. Let us know what you think!

Software Update

Our software team completed all the iOS updates needed to bring V3 of our app to life. To remind everyone, V3 included some exciting new features that were requested during the Kickstarter Campaign:

  1. Semi-Custom Stata Clock locations
  2. Ability to belong to more than one Stata Clock
  3. Ability to toggle active tracking on individual clocks

The software team is now done with all feature work and has transitioned into pre-production. This means creating a new production-ready build of our embedded code (which runs on our RaspberryPi) and creating the infrastructure to allow Over-The-Air (OTA) updates. OTA updates will allow us to continue to push new features and bug fixes once the clocks reach your homes.

Mechanical Update

The mechanical team made great progress this month, completing all the necessary Design for Manufacturing (DFM) improvements. These improvements will make the manufacturing and assembly of the Stata Clock quicker and easier!

Since the team progressed through their DFA work so rapidly, they have decided to make a small first-run of 5 clocks. This will conclusively prove that the new design changes worked and allow them to begin manufacturing next month.

Hardware Update

As manufacturing is just around the corner, our hardware team is spinning up rapidly. The team will focus on sourcing all of our materials, placing orders with suppliers, and ensuring they arrive on time. The team’s first order of business is to place the order for our aluminum hands to be anodized! As we have so many different colors, this is by far our most costly component. However, we know you will love the final product! We hope to share pictures from the anodizing process next month.

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The Stata Clock Company
The Stata Clock Blog

The Stata Clock keeps you connected to your loved ones by showing you their whereabouts in real-time.