Production Update: Volume VI

The Stata Clock Company
The Stata Clock Blog
3 min readJun 8, 2018

While May hasn’t been as exciting as previous months, the work has non-the-less been critical to our success.

Here’s an overview of what we were up to this month:

  • Our software team is busy refining our over-the-air update system and getting a polished build ready for manufacturing.
  • Our mechanics team is deep into the parts manufacturing process.
  • Our hardware team has been busy coordinating with suppliers to ensure the Stata Clock is delivered on time.

Hopefully, everyone has been staying up-to-date on our progress throughout the month with our live roadmap. Let us know what you think!

Our metal hands have arrived!

Software Update

Our software team has been continuing to make minor improvements to our iOS app now that we have successfully passed the Apple Store approval process. However, the team’s main focus this month has been to polish and rigorously test our over-the-air update system. Over-the-air updates allow us to send the clock software updates when new and exciting features are released!

Just a reminder to everyone with Android phones, we have put our Android App development on-hold while we finished up our iOS app. Our software team will begin development on our Android app post-delivery. While this was not the initial intention, we wanted our mobile experience to be the best possible and therefore are delaying the development of our second app until the first has been deemed a success.

If you have any questions about our Android App or our timeline for development, please reach out to

Mechanical Update

The mechanical team is in full manufacturing mode. Dozens of clocks worth of parts have already been made, but we still have a long way to go!

Lots and lots of axels!

Just like last month, the Mechanical team will continue to produce parts made in-house for the Stata Clocks. Once parts are made, final assembly can begin. We expect assembly to begin early next month in time for shipping to begin at the end of July for our earliest backers!

Hardware Update

Our hardware team has spent the past month coordinating with our third-party suppliers to ensure all of our outsourced parts arrive on-time and to-spec.

  • Our aluminum hands are being cut and finished and will be sent to the anodizer soon.
  • After many more conversations with our Chinese servo provider, we are now working closely with their team to make sure they provide us with servos that match the spec we want. However, we are confident their delayed shipment will not impact the overall timeline.
  • Electronics hardware is being sourced and orders will be placed in the next week or so.

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The Stata Clock Company
The Stata Clock Blog

The Stata Clock keeps you connected to your loved ones by showing you their whereabouts in real-time.