The first step is always the hardest

The Stata Clock Company
The Stata Clock Blog
2 min readNov 10, 2017
The Stata Clock at Home

Two years ago my husband and I sat over dinner with my parents talking about the challenges of having grown children. They love that my sisters and I are grown, have homes of our own, and have loving relationships, but they do miss the peace-of-mind of having us all under one roof. As their 35th wedding anniversary was approaching, my husband and I decided to create a gift for them that would bring back that peace-of-mind. Drawing inspiration from my favorite book, we recreated the Harry Potter Weasley Family clock with modern technology, a modern design, and a bit of whimsey.

Two years later we decided to take our small idea and turn it into a dream — a dream of bringing peace-of-mind to parents and families all over the world. We decided to bring the Stata Clock to the world on Kickstarter and after just a few short weeks, realized this dream was now bigger than us. With over 100 pre-orders and a bit of funding, we are taking our first step into the world as a human-focused hardware startup. We hope you enjoy this blog as we share our behind-the-scenes journey from concept to creation.

Our product and our company is built love-first. We are a husband-and-wife team of MIT engineers, using our skills to bring loved ones closer together. Now that’s a business model Molly Weasley would be proud of.



The Stata Clock Company
The Stata Clock Blog

The Stata Clock keeps you connected to your loved ones by showing you their whereabouts in real-time.