The Enchanted Canvas of Diffusion Models: Painting Pictures with the Power of Text

Evergreen Technologies
State of the art technology
4 min readMar 16, 2023


Once upon a time, in the mystical land of artificial intelligence, resided a group of curious minds who dreamed of transforming the way humans and machines interacted. They sought a way to create images from mere words, enabling computers to not only understand language but also visualize the world around them. In their quest, they discovered a magical framework called the diffusion process, which held the power to bring their dreams to life.

The Great Shift: How Diffusion Models Replaced GANs

For years, the kingdom of AI was ruled by Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), powerful models that could create new images by learning from existing ones. These mighty networks relied on a delicate dance between two forces: the generator, which created images, and the discriminator, which distinguished between real and generated images. Their synergy allowed GANs to produce highly realistic images, but the dance was often unstable, leading to conflicts and imperfect creations.

Then, the winds of change brought the diffusion process, a new and enchanting approach that promised a more harmonious way of generating images. Diffusion models, instead of battling each other, followed a more peaceful path. They transformed images gradually, much like an artist…



Evergreen Technologies
State of the art technology

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