Scholarships for State of the Map Asia 2018

OpenStreetMap Asia
State of the Map Asia
2 min readApr 11, 2018

Every year, the State of the Map Asia conference brings together attendees from different parts of the world to share experiences of working on different projects and initiatives. The conference welcomes meetup organisers, mapmakers, data contributors, coders, storytellers or community-builders. No matter where you are from, what your interests are or how long you have been involved: we welcome you!

The conference operates as a space for collaboration and strengthening the community. We also understand that it is expensive to fly around the world to support the community. However, we believe financial constraints should not be the reason we don’t get to interact with you. In hopes of helping you out a little more, we offer scholarships to support participants to attend the conference.

Participants at the State of the Map Asia 2016 (Photo credits — Mapbox)

Apply for a Scholarship

If our financial support makes it possible for you to come to Bangalore, we want to help!

While our goal is to provide maximum possible financial support, we are more likely to offer partial scholarships so that we are able to help more people get to Bangalore. We welcome and encourage diversity.

How Do I Apply?

Apply here! Applications are open until May 11, 2018.

Here are some tips to help you complete your application.

  • Select the minimum level of scholarship you need to attend. This will help us to make the best use of limited funds.
  • Tell us how you’ll benefit from taking part in the conference.
  • Link to your OpenStreetMap profile, a local group you run, or software you built.
  • Tell us what conversations you look forward to participate in the most at the State of the Map 2018.


If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at



OpenStreetMap Asia
State of the Map Asia

OpenStreetMap Asia brings together regional communities to support and grow the largest open map of the world.