Your guide to State of the Map Asia this weekend.

Sajjad Anwar
State of the Map Asia
4 min readNov 15, 2018

We’re excited to meet you at State of the Map Asia 2018 this weekend at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. This post contains all the information to ensure your safe arrival in Bangalore and to make the most of your time at the conference.

Arriving at the venue

The venue is Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore on Bannerghatta Road. From the city center IIM is about an hour-long drive. So we recommend you leave early. Please arrive at the venue by 8.30 am on Saturday, November 17.

The security at the IIM main gate will request you to show the conference registration confirmation. You don’t have to print it if you have the confirmation document on your phone. There’s parking inside the campus and the security will point you in the right direction.

Once you’ve reached, look for the IIM Main Building and the reception. From there, you will have signs leading to the Auditorium.


Registrations start before 8.30am. There will be coffee and a light snack. Look for the registration counter and get your name badge and conference kit.

Conference venue

The IIM campus is set in over 100 acres with numerous buildings and facilities. There are four spaces assigned for the conference proceedings — the Auditorium, New Class Room N001, Central Pergola, and the MDC.

  • Auditorium — main conference proceedings, keynotes and panels.
  • N001 — secondary room for talks
  • Central Pergola — workshops and breakout sessions
  • MDC — lunch

There will be signs throughout the venue, and if you get lost, ask one of the many volunteers. You can see all the venues marked on the map.

IIM is a non-smoking campus. We request you to only use the designated smoking area outside Block D to your right in the woods. If you are unsure, please ask a volunteer.

Code of Conduct

We strive to make the conference a safe space for everyone. Please read the CoC carefully and help us create a comfortable environment at the conference. The CoC applies to every individual — participants, speakers, volunteers, and staff. If you would like to report any issues that may be violating the CoC reach out to me directly or email us at

Breakout and Lightning talk sessions

We encourage you to host a conversation at SotM Asia that is important to you and valuable for the participants. You are also welcome to follow-up on your presentation through a breakout session. There will be a sign-up sheet for scheduling a Birds of a Feather session at the registration desk. If we have room for lightning talks, you can sign up for them too.


IIM provides limited Internet connectivity to participants. The login information will be in your conference kit which you will collect at the registration desk.

Boarding passes

If you are a scholarship recipient, please save your airline boarding pass and handover to our volunteers during registration.

If you are a speaker

This section is only relevant if you’re a speaker at the conference.

  • Please check your speaking slot on the schedule and make sure you arrive 30 minutes before your presentation and get setup. The room volunteer will help you.
  • We expect your slides to be standard 4:3 ratio. Avoid really light colours or illegible fonts. We also recommend to keep text to a minimum on each of your slides.
  • Please bring your presentation in a pendrive and hand it over to the room volunteer.
  • If you would like to use your computer, we request you to bring any special adapters that is required by your computer. The venue has support for connecting HDMI and VGA to the projector.
  • Our audience is diverse and English is not our first language. We request you to speak slowly, loudly and clearly.
  • Our time-keeping volunteer will remind you when you have 10 mins, 5 mins, and when you need to stop the presentation.
  • Internet connectivity is limited. If your presentation has a demo that requires internet, we recommend you record a screencast.

Social event

The social event is at Yellow Submarine on Bannerghatta Road. We’ve limited room at the venue so participants will be accommodated on a first-come-first-serve basis. You are required to bring your conference badge to be allowed inside the venue. Look out for more announcements during the first day of the conference.

Stay connected

We have an active Telegram messaging group and a Slack team which you can use to connect with other participants and get announcements as they happen.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us on Twitter or drop us an email at Looking forward to seeing you this weekend!

State of the Map Asia Organising Committee



Sajjad Anwar
State of the Map Asia

Programmer. Cyclist. Hearts maps. Development & Strategy @developmentseed. Previously @Mapbox.