TiVo Q4 2017 Online Video & Pay-TV Trends Report

State of the Screens
State of the Screens
1 min readMar 26, 2018

TiVo is out with their quarterly trends report for Q4–2017.

Other key findings (% change from Q3–2017):
1) 81% only want to pay for specific channels (↓ 1%)
2) $33 is the ideal monthly amount (↑ 6%)
3) 22 is the ideal number of channels (↑ 0%)
4) $1.50 would be the cost/channel/month (↑ 6%)

Flashback: The Average Cable TV Bill is Set to Exceed $140 by 2020

Below are the most popular channels with the ideal price:

Streaming services grew by 5% in 3 months!

Good news for traditional pay-TV: The % of respondents that agreed that content was easy to find on traditional TV grew 11%YoY.

