Development Update #13–08.30.2019

State Channels
State Channels
Published in
1 min readAug 30, 2019

Here is a summary of new features and updates from the last two weeks:

🧬 Protocol Standardization

  • We’ve been working with the broader state channels community to unify behind a single specification — announcement here
  • We’ll be releasing more info about what this means in the near future — stay tuned
  • Continued alignment progress: Began work on merged Magmo & Counterfactual wallet code
  • Began prototyping a to-be-announced project for end of the year

⚙️ Bug fixes & performance improvements

  • Identified a bug with most major Solidity build tools (e.g., Truffle, Waffle) causing mismatched bytecode when using CREATE2
  • Fixed a bug with multisig deployments in the channel creation flow (see #2224, #2225, #2226)
  • Made improvements to the node to support mainnet deployment by Connext
  • General code refactors to clean code up, along with incremental improvements to API behaviors (see #2190, #2184, #2178)

📱Wallet UX and test suite

  • Working to transfer the E2E runner to a Docker container to integrate it in CI (see #2254)

Get involved, or get in touch

If you’re interested in following along, or getting involved, you can follow on GitHub or talk to us on Discord.



State Channels
State Channels

Working hard to help developers build useable distributed applications.