Development Update #4–04.17.2019

State Channels
State Channels
Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2019

In our last update we released the Playground, a live demonstration of generalized state channels built using Counterfactual.

In the days since, we’ve re-grouped and made plans for the next development cycle. The core objectives of this cycle are documentation, simplification, and communication.

🏗 Open Source Development Process

Now that the Playground is launched, we’re trying to make more and more of our development process happen publicly.

Project management for Counterfactual now takes place through Github issues, where we encourage submissions and contributions from the open source ethereum development community.

Our goal is to get our process to a place where it is easy for new contributors to join the project, get up to speed on current development objectives, and effectively contribute to Counterfactual.

📝 Documentation updates:

  • Made progress on a “Getting started” guide that will be released soon
  • Made progress on building a Counterfactual “Truffle Box” that will give developers a “boilerplate” Counterfactual dapp to get started faster

⚙️ Development updates:

  • We enabled CREATE2 support in our contracts with a pull request to remove the need for any contract deployments at all — PR to be merged soon
  • Significant work on a custom build of MetaMask that embeds the Counterfactual node to support channels on all websites if you have MetaMask installed
  • Exploratory work beginning on making it easier to add new asset types using a simple “interpreter” pattern
  • Significant work to simplify the Node’s router / request-handling logic to re-use a more standardized JSON-based API used in other parts of the project

📣 Media & Appearances

More coming soon

Stay tuned for more updates soon!

If you’re interested in following along, or getting involved, you can follow on GitHub or talk to us on Discord.



State Channels
State Channels

Working hard to help developers build useable distributed applications.