Development Update #9–07.05.2019

State Channels
State Channels
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2019

Here is a summary of new features and updates from the last few weeks:

⚙️ ERC20 Support at Client Level

  • We continue to make progress on implementing ERC20 support at the client level, working closely with Connext to make this change
  • Spiked the feature implementation in the client (CF node) (see PR here), which lead to the following:
  • ERC20 support required changing a primitive data structure used by the CF Node to keep track of balances of funds in a channel (merged here)
  • Iterated on designs that best support the use-case of working with arbitrary assets in the Interpreters paradigm (namely in-channel atomic swaps) (see PR here)

📱 Progress on Wallet UI

  • Since we merged the cf-wallet.js library, we have been able to start work on designing & implementing a UI for our MetaMask integration
  • The goal is to create a clear, easy UI that lets anyone use Metamask to interact with state channels
  • This is critical in the near term to improve the developer environment
an early version of a state channels UI in MetaMask

🧭 Protocol alignment

  • Since the state channels community met in NYC in May, we have made continued progress to align all of our approaches to make them interoperable.
  • We’ve made significant progress in the last few weeks, specifically on unifying the dispute process with Magmo.
  • Stay tuned for more information about this initiative.

Get involved, or get in touch

If you’re interested in following along, or getting involved, you can follow on GitHub or talk to us on Discord.



State Channels
State Channels

Working hard to help developers build useable distributed applications.