What Should be done with Avi Rachlin?

Timothy Lonas
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2022
Petition hanging at the Williard Building via Timothy Lonas

Oliver Baker’s altercation with Avi Rachlin during a counter-rally in August 2021 might cost him his job, but an anonymous source disagrees with that notion.

On Jan. 26, an anonymous source started a petition to get junior Avi Rachlin expelled from Penn State because of an altercation that occurred on August 27, 2021 with assistant professor, Oliver Baker, and several Reddit posts that violate the student code of conduct. As of Feb. 21, the petition has 1,057 signatures.

Freshman Jamie Cottrell questions the university about why Rachlin is still on campus.

“I don’t know how the university can stand there and do nothing about the things he has said and done.” Cottrell(freshmen-sociology) said. “As a woman, a person like Rachlin scares me.”

Rachlin has been active on Reddit under the username “avsterbone”. One of his posts from four months ago reads: “No bueno. Whites must remain dominant.``. Another post from 10 months ago says he would “rape a bunch of really hot girls” and would “do more to cover up his tracks”.

Like Cottrell, Rachlin’s actions have left Tori Riley in fear.

“He needs to be expelled before someone like me gets hurt.” Riley(junior-telecommunications and theatre) said.

On Aug. 27, 2021, Rachlin attended a vaccine mandate rally outside of Old Main with a sign showing statistics of low vaccination rates among the black community. While moving his way to the front, tension started between Rachlin with Baker, an assistant professor of English and African American studies.

A fight would ensue, where Baker allegedly tackled Rachlin to the ground and gave him a bloody nose. Baker would get arrested for disorderly conduct and simple assault.

On Jan. 10, the charges against Baker were dropped, but the university is looking into firing him for his actions. Baker’s attorney has found photo evidence that Baker didn’t tackle Rachlin to the ground while others claim Rachlin threw a punch at Baker first.

Video evidence from Centre County Report shows Baker ripping the sign away from Rachlin and pushing him. The words said between the two were not heard.

For the time being, Rachlin says he’s safe at this time.

“Officials have reached out to me and said that I haven’t violated any code of conduct to get punished for anything,” Rachlin said. “They also want to make sure I am safe from other students that could harm me.”

Rachlin runs a Twitter page called Penn State Resistance, which protests against Penn State issues. He says he hopes to make a difference on campus going forward.

“I hope in the future to become student body president so I can help in making changes to the policies of the school.” Rachlin(junior-business management) said.

Freshman Hailey Crawford is a member of the College Democrats, a club that values social equality. Crawford disagreed that he shouldn’t receive punishment.

“A majority of the people I’ve talked to think he should be expelled and have agreed he’s a threat to the campus,” Crawford(freshmen-veterinary and biomedical sciences) said. “The fact that Dr. Baker may be fired from attempting to expel him is disgusting.”

Lisa Powers, the Senior Director of Media and News relations at Penn State, said in an email that officials are gonna do what’s best for the students.

“Penn State is committed to the safety and welfare of the University community,” Powers said. “When incidents or allegations arise, Penn State adheres to established policies, processes, and procedures to address them. These processes are generally treated as confidential for students and employees and reflect important equity, due process, privacy, legal and other protections.

