Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks at the Detroit Economic Club, Detroit, Michigan, on June 18, 2018. (U.S. Department of State)

Economic Diplomacy and America’s Economic Revival

U.S. Department of State
U.S. Department of State
2 min readJun 19, 2018


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo outlined his vision of the State Department’s role in America’s economic revival through a broad-ranging policy speech at the Detroit Economic Club on June 18, 2018. “Economic diplomacy has always been central, when done right, to the State Department’s mission,” Secretary Pompeo emphasized.

The Secretary highlighted economic diplomacy’s role in President Donald J. Trump’s National Security Strategy.

Secretary Pompeo also highlighted a number of ways that the State Department engages in economic diplomacy.

“First, we’re working to maintain American sovereignty on the world economic scene. If the U.S. Government does not participate in robust international economic engagement, we will lose out to places like China. But we can never lose our economic sovereignty in doing so.”

“Second, the State Department has a primary responsibility ensuring markets are open.”

- Secretary Pompeo

“Third, we’re working hard to attract international investment here in the United States.”

“Fourth, we’ll capitalize on Americans’ abundant energy resources.”

- Secretary Pompeo

Secretary Pompeo continued by addressing some of the foreign practices that harm America. “Whether that’s threatening our technology leadership through intellectual property theft or forced technology transfer, we are hard at ensuring that we protect American property,” the Secretary said.

Secretary Pompeo’s remarks also addressed President Trump’s decisions with respect to tariffs and trade agreements.

“If you look around, there have been those that have criticized some of the tariffs. But just ask yourself: Would China have allowed America to do to it what China has done to America?”

“Let’s be clear: It [China] is the most predatory economic government that operates against the rest of the world today. This is a problem that is long overdue in being tackled.”

- Secretary Pompeo

Editor’s Note: This entry originally appeared on DipNote, the U.S. Department of State’s official blog.

