Growing Artificial Intelligence with Blockchain

Decentralised A.I.: what is it?

Fauve Altman
State of the ÐApps Blog
4 min readMar 23, 2018


It is probably a good idea to understand some basic concepts surrounding A.I. before furthering the talk. Artificial Intelligence discussions have had the tendency to stir certain negative or fearful emotions imagining the evolution of AI from a human benefit to a potential take over. Even our beloved and well respected Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk have warned us of the potential threats of AI.

First, there is the broad reaching term artificial intelligence. Another branch of AI is machine learning, and then there is deep learning, a branch of machine learning. This is how it goes:

Machine learning is teaching machines to performs specific tasks, rather than just commanding them to do it by writing code. Imagine teaching a computer to recognise pictures. It is similar to when a child is being taught math problems: teach a formula, certain rules and exceptions apply, and a human machine gets to do the job by itself afterwards.

Deep learning is when the machine teaches itself to do that task by being exposed a multitude of data. By using the same math analogy: it is similar to a student teaching herself/himself to solve math problems by repeating it until getting the job done, by being autodidact.

Now that we have covered the basics, let’s move on to AI with Blockchain.

Blockchain technology can help us verify, execute and record information and authenticity. Artificial Intelligence helps everything from decision making to assessment and understanding of information. While machine learning methods, which are parts of AI as we covered earlier, helps in finding and the improvement of decision making, where Blockchain technology can be added onto for verification of the transactional parts of the process.

To understand non-blockchain platforms using AI, we can take a look at Google search. For the consumer it seems inconsequential and free — financially free, yes. However, Google uses its algorithms to index web pages by collecting and recording consumers data from their browsing history, to better help customers sell you targeted advertising based on our user profiles. Simply put, all your actions on google are recorded and fed to an AI algorithm.

This is where Blockchain comes in, giving us the authentication of our own intellectual properties, such as a decentralised memory storage system.

AI Blockchain based projects can help to lower the market barriers for entry — this leading back to our Google search and consumer data example. With Blockchain technology, you get to control the information to be shared, adding AI algorithms, you can increase your market value — data marketplaces.

Both technologies working with each other, will increase its user approachability and trust.

Now, let’s take a look at AI Blockchain based DApps:

  • Numerai: A weekly data science competition for data scientists of any background.Predictions submitted by users steer Numerai's hedge fund (Details from Status: Live.
  • Ethearnal: A peer-to-peer (P2P) freelance system, in which employers and freelancers meet, enter into trustless smart contracts with reputation and money in escrow, and take advantage of a decentralised system of moderators if needed (Details from Status: Prototype.
  • FiCoin: The vision is to make a steady passive income for our clients which are sustainable over the long term. We will use the advantages of latest technologies in the area of machine learning, data and math analysis, artificial intelligence, blockchain and mobile development in order to bring to life a fully autonomous clever trading bot that will provide staking rewards (Details from Status: Beta.
  • Odem: The platform connects students, educators, and service providers where, together, they develop and engage in personal and group, in-person educational programs (Details from Status: WIP.

#facts: In 2018, research have calculated we spend approximatively 3 hours on our phones, which equals to 11 years in a lifetime… Think about that. Those calculations were done through AI technology — Your phone’s functions is mostly AI based.

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Fauve Altman
State of the ÐApps Blog

Community Director @ State of the DApps. Community Lead @mStable. Strategic startup development.