Loom Network Integration And New Weekly DApps

Platform integration and new weekly decentralised applications to discover!

Fauve Altman
State of the ÐApps Blog
3 min readMay 27, 2019


What’s Dappin’ everyone? Every week is a highly busy in development in the blockchain space. Everyone is working hard solving infrastructure hurdles, everyone is trying to get a spot in the mainstream market, everyone is trying to connect with all blockchain communities around the world. Which led us to try and connect the dots in the Dapps world. Here we go!

New Platform Added: Loom

We’ve been working hard on integrating Loom Network to our platform, so that Dapp users and builders can have all dapps gathered in one central place. Comical to talk about centralisation, right?

So far, only four Loom DApps have been added, if we are missing any, send them our way. Let’s grow the visibility of these DApps!

New Weekly DApps

The InXight app, developed and powered by Scanetchain, can digitally recognize any object, brand, and image using AR technology both offline and online, without any additional equipment. By just pointing their smartphone camera at objects and images, users can access relevant content through AR technology. Furthermore, products and services can be directly purchased utilizing this service through familiar commerce platforms.
InXight users also have the ability to create their own AR content that can be shared with other users within the ecosystem as well on social media. Allowing users to create their own content enables a true decentralized open ecosystem where crowd-curated content can benefit the greater community.
Ethereum | Profile💪 91% | Rank #113

The Cheeze Wizards Tournament is a test of skill, power, and cheese.Players summon Wizards to compete in the tournament, and every Wizard summoned increases the size of the Big Cheeze.
Wizards battle in one-on-one duels, with the winner gaining a portion of the losing Wizard’s power proportional to their victory. During the last phase of the tournament, blue mold takes over the tournament, devouring the least powerful Wizards. Ethereum | Profile💪 78% | Rank #135

A simple Ethereum toolbox for hashing, timestamps, units, signatures, encoding and much more. Ethereum | Profile💪 82% | Rank #638

The other good news is: Summer is starting!

P.S: Don’t forget to submit your DApp even if you haven’t launched yet, and test our Android application or just come over to telegram chat with us ❤ and give some claps if you like this content 👏!



Fauve Altman
State of the ÐApps Blog

Community Director @ State of the DApps. Community Lead @mStable. Strategic startup development.