State of the DApps | New projects 7/10–7/16

State of the ÐApps Blog
2 min readJul 18, 2017

The accessibility of the research and influencers in the space combined with the ultimate incentive alignment mechanism(cryptoeconomics) has lead to an ecosystem of ultra-innovation.

On any given day, community members in various chat channels can be, concurrently curating research, creating hypothesis’ and destroying each other’s theories. Quite frankly, it’s getting really hard to keep up with. Hopefully very soon, we’ll take the curation market research, and apply it to DApp and DAO project vetting. Oh yeah… SotD is working on that…

This week State of the DApps, the largest directory for ethereum applications, listed another 15 new projects, which puts the total to 573 DApps to date. Below is the projects title, description and link to their full listing on the website.

EtherAppointment — Agree on an appointment

OX — Enabling investors and speculators with financial tools

Bits Digit — Social market economy

Enjin Coin — Smart cryptocurrency for gaming

Ellcrys — Smart contract application building on existing technologies

Doma — A platform for home ownership and distributed well-being

GiveDirectly Lottery — Lottery sending a % of the bets to GiveDirectly

Block Store — A key-value data store (like JS localStorage)

Aigang Network — Insurance for IoT using DAO and smart contracts

Coral — A fundraiser platform for tokens

Mattereum — Smart contracts with the legal force of natural language contracts

Diplr — Registering intellectual property

Omni Eshops — Online store creator — Create and share product catalogs

Gitcoin — Easy way to monetize software development

DIN — Product codes for e-commerce

It’s new projects like these that help give momentum to the ecosystem at large. It is up to us in the community to do proper diligence and share that diligence in a fair and honest way.

Are you interested in curating quality research and information regarding the development of decentralized applications within the space? We are too!

In fact we have joined forces with to provide updates on some of the more prominent projects in the space. But why stop there? Join the conversation on the slack (

