What about decentralized education?

Fauve Altman
State of the ÐApps Blog
4 min readAug 14, 2017

Every day new dApps (decentralized applications) are submitted from a status of just a concept to a working prototype or live one. It is amazing to see how people are working hard and believing in the benefits of decentralization. Quite a hype!

I have the chance to see all the dApps submitted thanks to working for State of the dApps (Cheers guys!). However, what really piqued my curiosity recently is the quasi-none existence of dApps with an educational focus. Why is it the case?

In the huge pool of dApps existence, here are a few who hold an educational focus:

Status: LIVE
  • Decypher TV: 30+ part screencast series outlining everything you need to know to get started building Ðapps in Ethereum. The series are targeted at someone who has basic familiarity of Javascript and web development, but is somewhat new to cryptocurrency and Ethereum. The series covers the topic of creating Ethereum development environments, how to use various Javascript libraries to interact with the Ethereum protocol, simple ways to send transactions over the main Ethereum network, how to write and test smart contracts, how to run your own Ethereum node, how to mine Ether, adventures into undergraduate computer science, and more (description taken directly from the site: http://decypher.tv/series/ethereum-development).
Status: Demo
  • OTLW-asses: is a network based system of assessment. It forms a universal layer capable of assessing any quantifiable goal through schelling point assessment, where multiple qualified assessors attempt to arrive at a result as close to each other as possible in order to be rewarded with tokens, which can then be used to initiate assessments of their own goals in turn (description taken directly from the site: http://otlw.co/assess/).
Status: Concept

The potential that can be reached with education is huge, which would empower even more public to the Internet of Things, Blockchain and Decentralization, a larger amount of people could participate in this fast-paced and growing environment. In doing so, key players must meet and work together. It is important to keep in mind that decentralization is also the process of political democratization: people require to be part and have a say on the topics that concern them directly, and if such requirements aren’t met, people will find ways to their completion. Additionally, quality of education seems to keep on lowering its criterion over the decades, and in developing countries it is an endemic problem. Another incentive pushing education to be decentralized is due to many governments unable to provide certain education services. We can see a whole new market opening up for decentralization and to serve every human being on this planet despite the prevailing circumstances of their social class or ethnicity.

The various ways it could be utilized would be for:

  • Managing assessments;
  • Credentials;
  • Transcripts

These could be powered by assessment model built on the Ethereum blockchain.

A few schools, such as the Media Lab from MIT, the University of Nicosia in Cyprus, and the Holberton School (which ins unaccredited, and offers a teacher-less software engineering school in San Francisco) are participating in the blockchain by creating cryptographically-signed, verifiable certificates. Learning is earning 2026 has developed an ingenious idea on how to use and offer decentralized education, the organization is working on the program at the present time but offer a fun blog/forum page for pro’s and con’s of this new form of education and anyone can share their thoughts or ideas. Don’t be a stranger and share your ideas or fears!

A few questions will rise to your mind, and I would love to read them and open the discussion on this topic. Such as:

  • How will quality of courses be accessed if given by no one, at anytime of their personal education path?
  • Will people be more intransigent if they have full access to peoples transcripts?

There are always a few worrisome outcomes to keep in mind and not to neglect, nothing is white or black. Nuances must be developed and comprehended.

On this note: Nothing is impossible!



Fauve Altman
State of the ÐApps Blog

Community Director @ State of the DApps. Community Lead @mStable. Strategic startup development.