Incubating the Future of web3 with Spacebar (⌨️,⌨️)

States DAO
States DAO
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2022

What is States DAO?

The story of Spacebar begins with States DAO and our mission of incubating the future of web3. But what does that mean? To States DAO, incubating the future of web3 means providing the resources necessary to founders wanting to make their mark in web3.

We first started supporting founders by launching two learning fellowship programs and are gearing up to launch an accelerator program in November which we call: States Launch. With a majority of the founders and project teams in our fellowships being based in Asia, we put a heavy focus on dedicating our program’s resources to the APAC region.

What is Spacebar (⌨️,⌨️)?

In the spirit of web3, we wanted to build a community that would act as a resource to the founders and projects in States Launch. That is why we built Spacebar.

Spacebar is States DAO’s genesis collection of 333 unique NFTs dedicated to building a community that supports founders by providing financial, human, social, and intellectual capital. It is a curated community that is available for mint by invite or application only.

We’re building a community of stewards looking to make an impact on founders and project teams. Being a holder will act as a gateway to accessing top web3 talent and early-stage startups in APAC.

The mission for Spacebar holders is clear: Prepare the next generation of web3 builders.


As stated in our first official tweet announcement, invites to our closest partners and contributors have already begun delivery with applications opening in the coming days.

The official mint date will be announced soon. Pay attention to the official Spacebar Twitter account below!

Why join Spacebar?

  1. Engage and network with top web3 talent and project teams from the APAC region.
  2. Intros to top web3 experts and companies in APAC
  3. Co-invest in the top early-stage products from the States Launch accelerator.
  4. Access to top deal flow from early-stage web3 projects.
  5. Access to IRL + online events (Spacebar + States DAO events)
  6. Access States DAO fellowship Discord channels



States DAO
States DAO

States DAO is a Learning DAO that learns, interacts, works, invests, and grows together.