Feeling Stressed? Chill Out FAST with These Hilarious Hacks!

Don’t Freak Out! A Hilarious Guide to Chillaxin’ When You’re Flaxin’

How to Go From Flailing to Fabulous: Your Hilarious Guide to Calming Down

Static & Flow: Relax
Static & Flow



Life can be crazy. It’s a rollercoaster that will sometimes fling you from a really cool, adrenaline-pumping high to a stomach-churning low. Sometimes those lows morph into freak-out fests where you feel like a tea kettle about to burst. But worry not, fellow frenzied friends; this guide will equip you with the proper tools to go from frantic to fantastic in no time at all.

Focus on Your Breath (Because Apparently You Forgot How)

Photo by Eli DeFaria on Unsplash

We all know we need oxygen, but when we’re amped up — our brain kind of forgets that basic function. Deep breaths, people! Imagine you’re sucking in a huge slice of your favorite cake — in your mind — but don’t worry about the crash from all that sugar. Now, exhale real slow, like you are letting air out of a pool raft that somehow landed in your living room. Don’t ask. Just repeat until you don’t feel like you are about to launch into orbit.

Channel Your Inner Jedi — no Light Saber Necessary

Photo by Marek Szturc on Unsplash

Ever seen a Jedi Master freaking out? No way, Jose! They ooze calm under pressure. So close your eyes and imagine you’re the ultimate chiller. Maybe even picture yourself on a beach with a fruity drink in your hand — because who doesn’t find that calming? You are strong. You are powerful. And most importantly, you’re not about to lose it over that burnt toast.

Laughter is the Best Medicine (Unless You Have Appendicitis, Then Go See a Doctor)

Photo by Surface on Unsplash

Let’s be honest: laughter is magic. It melts tension faster than butter on a hot waffle iron — well, that might make most of us freak out if we are watching our calorie intake. Watch a funny video, tune into a goofy podcast, or dig out those embarrassing childhood photos — really, anything that tickles your funny bone. Because, let’s be honest: sometimes the best way to deal with a situation is by laughing at the ridiculousness of everything.

Tapping into Distraction (Squirrel!)

Photo by Włodzimierz Jaworski on Unsplash

Sometimes, all that is needed is a lie-down away from concentration. Slip into a good book, get engrossed with a crossword puzzle, or fold some laundry with origami-like precision — after all, when can you? The point is to pick out something engaging that takes your thoughts off the thing that’s got you flustered.

Remember, This Too Shall Pass (Because Everything Does, Eventually)

Photo by Fritz Bielmeier on Unsplash

Feeling overwhelmed is temporary. You know how it feels like you’re in some sort of cycle and frustration is just going to keep revolving around until forever? Trust us, it really does pass. Take a step back, remind yourself that really, somehow, things work out — and maybe pat yourself on the back for being so awesome and resilient.

Bonus Round: Surprising Calming Techniques

Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash
  • Chew on Some Ice: Crunching on ice can be oddly therapeutic, and the coldness of it all can have a mild numbing effect. Just don’t swallow a whole ice cube — that’s not cool … literally.
  • Squeeze a Stress Ball: Those squishy things aren’t just for the kids who like to fidget around all over the place. Mashing a stress ball can actually help one release pent-up tension and frustration.
  • Headbang to your favorite tunes: Music has a great deal of emotional power. Put on some calming music or crank up your favorite jam and get wild (air guitar solo highly encouraged).

There you go! With these tips and a healthy dose of humor, you’ll be a master at keeping your composure in no time. Freaking out is just a perfectly normal thing humans do, after all; but with a little effort, you will be able to glide through those moments with grace — and at least not launch into space.

Article authors whose articles I read: Lorna Harvey, Peter Schooff, JamieWrites, Stanley Udegbunam, OnYourFeet, Static & Flow: Health & Life

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Static & Flow: Relax
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