🎤 How to take your poetry slams to the next level with the 50–50 rule — attract attention! 🚀

Stephan Pinkwart
3 min readMay 13, 2024

Subject: 🎤 How to take your poetry slams to the next level with the 50–50 rule — attract attention! 🚀

Dear word creators and rhythm knights,

Today, let’s talk about how to not only participate at a poetry slam, but really stand out. This weekend I experienced something remarkable at the “KNIFE” in Solingen, which gave me a valuable key to success at our beloved slams.

Imagine: Among the shiny blades and busy stalls, I met a manufacturer of exclusive knives. When I asked him how he gets his customers, his answer was as surprising as it was insightful: “I hate marketing like the plague, I just do it because I have to. But it doesn’t really work.”

Interestingly, I found that this was a common attitude among exhibitors. They focus on their craft and let marketing slide. A typical myth that also exists in our world of poetry: “Just do great things and people will come.” This is, with all due respect, nonsense.

Remember Joshua Bell, the world-class violinist, who played in a subway station and was ignored? The perfect example of how ability alone is not enough. You have to make yourself noticed!



Stephan Pinkwart

I explore and write about Poetry Slam, job applications, and train travel, sharing insights and inspiring stories through each post.