Unraveling the Tapestry of Culture: A Must-Read Guide!

Importance of Culture

Exploring the Rich Tapestry of Human Experience

Static & Flow: Art & Culture
Static & Flow


Photo by Henry & Co. on Unsplash

It’s the good old culture, that invisible glue that held together our very societies like a secret sauce in a burger, so it is what gives everything the real taste. Otherwise, we had simply been some confused, directionless wanderers, lost and meandering aimlessly through the vast desert of existence sans culture at large.

It is through culture that we derive habits, customs, traditions, and rituals. It is the reason behind our dressing, the food we eat, and why we celebrate certain holidays. It is the reason for language, art, and music. Culture gives us the reason for social norms, values, and beliefs.

Culture isn’t just the fun stuff, though. That is what can also shape the way we see the world — our very identity and belonging. It helps explain who we are, our origin, and where we fit in this general scheme of things.

The next aspect would be the practical advantages of culture: it navigates us through the complexities of social life, whereby one is aware of certain universals shared among people by which certain rules and expectations would make interactions with others pretty easy. It also gives rise to tight and resilient communities where people can have each other’s backs.

The next time you sit down to a scrumptious meal, bopping away to your favorite tune, or maybe spending a holiday having fun with your loving family, remember that culture makes it all possible. Because if there weren’t any culture, life would be as tasteless as a bowl of my in-laws’ unseasoned oatmeal.

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