Join us on an emotional journey to uncover the unsung heroes in our lives — our parents. Their love, sacrifices, and unwavering support form the foundation of our being. Tissues might be necessary.

True Lovers: Our Parents

Unconditional Love: The Silent Strength of Parental Devotion

Static & Flow: Relax
Static & Flow


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

What image flashes through your mind when you hear the term, “true love”? Fairytale romance? First-storm butterfly feelings? These are both truly fascinating ideas, but there is a version that is much more under the veneer of our appreciation and oh-so-powerful for our healthy development; that is unconditional parental love. This isn’t about earning likes, getting followers, or getting heard by others. It only is something as old as time, and more powerful than those bonds that keep us held onto this earth. So sit well, perhaps with a cup of tea, and join me on this emotional journey. Tissues might be necessary.

The Unseen Heroes

Photo by Picsea on Unsplash

Have you ever stopped to think how many nights your parents used to stay awake, tending to your needs while you just slept your nights out blissfully? Or how many times do they put your wants before their desires? This is not just love; it’s the very essence of devotion. They are unsung heroes who work behind the scenes tirelessly to ensure that we have the best life possible. Think: who was loudest at your school play? Who nursed you back to health when you kept the flu? Your parents. Their love is not noisy, isn’t showy — just real, stable, and relentlessly there for you, even when you don’t notice it.

Personal Anecdotes

Photo by Klara Kulikova on Unsplash

Let me share a personal anecdote that defines love. Growing up, I was a heavy soccer player with dreams one day of making it into the big leagues. That summer, I had an opportunity to enter an invite-only elite camp for soccer players. It was a little pricey. Well, my parents — never one to let a little thing like lack of money get in the way of their child’s dreams — quietly worked extra hours at their shifts and saved every last penny they could. I wouldn’t know the full extent of sacrifice they made for me for years to come. All that I knew then was that I was off to soccer camp. That week of camp, while I was running after the ball, my parents were picking up extra shifts. How hard that was, they never said anything, but now, at the end of each day, there they were — the biggest cheerleaders for me. That, my friends, is true love.

The Power of Sacrifice

Photo from Unsplash

Parents are the epitome of sacrifice. They put aside their dreams, desires, and sometimes even needs for you to smile. It’s almost like you have your private cheerleading team that will follow you from your cradle into your career. They might not always agree with our choices, yet they always stand by our side and guide us around everywhere unconditionally. The saying goes, “An apple never falls far from its tree.” This could not be closer to being the truth. Values, strength, and compassion that our parents instill in us are what we turn out to become. Their influence, just like those great oaks with their roots in the ground, firmly holds, stabilizes, and leaves growing strong and tall.

Humor in Parental Love

What about the light-hearted side of parental love — the gawky years as teenagers, painful “birds and bees” talk, or less-than-stellar fashion advice? These decidedly were hideously painful when they happened but are now truly treasured, proof that our parents also were ready to make a fool of themselves for our good. Yes, fashion disasters of these simple sorts become legends. Now, let us come real: other than a parent-child emotional connection, there exists no other bond that does on this earth. Connections like this — well, no words can explain them, and they never die over time. For example, a mother’s hug is like a healing balm to the deepest of wounds, while a father’s words of wisdom set us through life’s harshest storms. Their love is noiseless protection, watching over you always, catching you when you fall.


Now, here comes an activity for you. Take some time to think about when your parents did something extra special for you. Write it down. Then, if you feel like it, share it with them. Let them know that their actions didn’t go unseen. This small amount of appreciation can mean a lot, a lot more.

Conclusion: Love Your Parents

Photo by Ricardo Moura on Unsplash

In this fast-moving world, the parents’ worth is easily taken for granted. Our lives keep us so busy that the due amount of love and appreciation for them often goes unnoticed. But we let ourselves remember — it is our parents who were our first, hence our true lovers, the biggest supporters, and the biggest heroes for us. Their love presents the base of our standing in our lives. Let us then pledge to show our gratitude to our parents for everything they do for us and never let a single moment go by without them knowing how very close they are to our hearts. After all, at the last count, these were not grand acts — not even clichés of romance. It is that unconditional love of our parents for us — unconditional; right?

Call to Action

This is not a plea to followers. It is an appeal to the heart for love that goes unseen often enough. So, right now, pick up your phone, call your parents, and let them know how much you love them. Letter them often. Spend more time with them. Try in all other ways to let them know what they are to you. Because true love — the kind our parents give us — is worthy of being celebrated every day. Love thy parents; they are the truest lovers you’ll ever have.



Static & Flow: Relax
Static & Flow

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