8 Virtual and Augmented Reality startups not to miss at STATION F

Rachel Vanier
Published in
5 min readOct 23, 2017


Needless to say the whole team at STATION F is made of crazy fans of Virtual / Augmented Reality experiences. Just last week, for our team building activity we went to the MK2 VR — a space to test out VR experience next to a cinema — which happens to be… our neighbor!

VR itself is a projected market of $30Bn by 2020, and now counts more than 43 million users worldwide. VR and AR experiences are evolving at a crazy pace, with greater adoption from the general public, from Hollywood, and from industry leaders. Experiences now include sound, 3D that is always closer to reality, and bandwidth improving every month.

We are proud to have a lot of VR and AR startups based here at STATION F. Here’s a selection!

Mimesys — holographic telecommunications made true

Mimesys develops holographic telecommunications. Their first product, Mimesys Connect, delivers Jedi-Council-level remote meetings in Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality. They have created a unique holographic compression format technology that leverages depth sensors and GPUs to stream holograms on a common bandwidth. Their ultimate goal is to change the way we telecommunicate, from talking to each other on a phone, to doing incredible things together.

The startup is part of the Ubisoft program at STATION F.

Mimesys recently gave a demo to Ernestine Fu from Alstop Louie Partners visiting from San Francisco!

Uptale — EdTech with a VR twist

Uptale is a SaaS using VR and e-learning for ed-tech purposes: the product creates amazing immersive Learning experiences. Trainers and Educators can create real-life 360VR interactive learning situations in just hours without a line of code thanks to a SaaS authoring tool.

Uptale already works with Danone, Schneider Electric, L’Oréal, Vinci, University Paris Descartes, Accenture… and clients in 7 different countries! The 4 co-founders started a year ago and now work in a 7-person full-time team — and the startup was bootstrapped from the ground up!

Spoiler alert: Uptale is preparing something very cool for STATION F…

Realcast — Augmented stories

Realcast is a startup developing technology and content to create new forms of multi-user interaction in augmented reality with tangible objects and storytelling. The product, In Situ Experience (ISXP), is currently under development and will provide interactive experiences through HoloLens headsets in order to bring history alive for visitors. At the same time, Realcast is developing a platform which will serve as a toolkit for developers to build their own AR content.

Founded by trailblazers from video games, robotics and education, Realcast is partnering with Ubisoft’s program at STATION F.

VRLINES — a hub for VR games and content

VRLINES is a VR hub dedicated to the production and distribution of games, fiction and branded VR content. Baskhead, the first game developed by VRLINES, is designed to be as fun to play as it is to watch. The game is compatible with all VR platforms and distributed in arcades around the world.

VRLINES is also closely connected to the growing VR location-based entertainment ecosystem. In June 2017 VRLINES launched VRNISH, the first worldwide directory for VR location-based entertainment, featuring more than 400 VR arcades, theaters, museums, and other spaces.

VRNISH is also a knowledge-sharing platform that promotes business opportunities between VR locations, VR studios and catalogues, as well as manufacturers of VR headsets, hardware and accessories.

METAVERS 360 — VR content for the new era

Metavers 360 was created in a context of permanent search for new original content and digital experiences by brands or broadcasters, to feed their various communication circuits promotional, commercial or institutional. Metavers 360 produces content that is intended for the digital sectors of media, tourism, real estate, events and learning.

They are ready to be broadcast in all VR headsets, on all social networks and all websites.

The startup was started 8 months ago and is part of the OUICREA program at STATION F, a cross-border program focusing on Franco-Chinese startups.

Here’s an example of what they do, shot at STATION F!

The Whiteshop — Furniture stores, in VR

The WhiteShop is the first marketplace in virtual reality that allows furniture manufacturers to sell their products directly in a real store with no physical inventory and no sellers on site. Florent Sarrot, Tom Bucher and Brice Jehanno, the 3 co-founders, are working with a team of seven enthusiasts.

The WhiteShop is a very transversal company. By removing the costs associated with the stock through virtual reality, they are alternately “phy-gital”, “retail-tainment” or ecological.

Vrtuoz — VR experiences for companies

VRTUOZ is a BtoB platform allowing several users to share experiences in real time in VR. Sessions can be devoted to training, retail or live events. The big plus : clients can (re)create their own VR space. The 2-year old startup now counts 5 people in the team. They already count prestigious clients like Air France, Saint Gobain, JCDecaux Airport, or radio station RTL… but they also have built a social VR experience for a burlesque cabaret !

Vrtuoz is part of the Founders Program at STATION F.

TARGO — when journalism meets VR/AR

Targo is pioneering in immersive journalism in France. They bring virtual and augmented reality to the news industry. Their team of journalists explores new ways to create and distribute news. They work for major news outlets: the New York Times, Al-Jazeera and France Télévisions. By the end of the year, they will be launching their own media: the first immersive web magazine. Stay tuned.

Targo is part of the NAVER/Line program called Space Green at STATION F.

Stay tuned to discover more startups on our blog!



Rachel Vanier

Writer + Cofounder of DancefloorParis + Ex Head of Comms @ STATION F