STATION F Founders Program: 10 tips & tricks for applying

Station F
Published in
5 min readMar 14, 2018


Updated on March 15, 2019 for batch 5 of the Founders Program.

Last year, roughly 4k startups applied to the Founders Program from over 50 different countries. We accepted approximately 250 startups to the program, which means only about 6% of startups got in. Applications are currently open until April 1 (apply here!) and startups selected will join the program in July. But you may be wondering what it takes to get into the program. Well, here are a few tips to help you score a place in the program.

1. Make sure you are applying to the right program

As many of you already know, STATION F has 30 different programs on campus and it’s important to be sure that you apply to the right one. The Founders Program is our in-house program for early-stage companies from all sectors and all countries. Startups that join are required to stay a minimum of 3 months and can stay up to 15 employees. The program does not take equity but startups do need to pay for their desks. The program was built during the past year and based entirely on the feedback of hundreds of entrepreneurs — literally.

Of course, startups are welcome to apply to more than one program at STATION F and you can re-apply if your company was refused if you feel this is the right program for you. If you want to learn more about the Founders Program, read here.

Hint: the Founders Program is for startups and not for consulting companies or agencies.

2. Fill out your application properly — in English — and show us that you take your application seriously.

OK, now you’re ready to start the application. You should set aside enough time to complete your application properly. We are looking for startups that provide succinct and complete answers to all the questions — this shows us that they take their application seriously. We also do not accept applications for the Founders Program in any language other than English (you’re an international company, aren’t you?). You may have a killer business but if we feel your application isn’t filled out properly, you may not be given an interview.

Hint: filling out your application properly means including a working MVP (prototype) and real numbers.

3. Be ambitious — but stay focused

The Founders Program is open to startups from all sectors. However, as we filter through thousands of applications, we are striving to find the projects that are unique and stand out. We want to know how your project is going to make a difference, and how it is innovative and different from the other solutions in your industry. Show us your ambition, your passion. However, being ambitious doesn’t mean you are trying to do 800 things at once. Make sure to stay focused.

4. Prove to us that you have the right team for the job.

The Founders Program is for early-stage startups — which means that we know your product is still going to go through a lot of changes. This is why we want to know about the team. We want to know that you are the right team to deliver on the project that you are working on. We don’t need to see your entire CV but we are interested in knowing about what relevant experience you have for your project. We also want to know how you know each other and if you’ve worked together before.

Hint: the Founders Program is not for part-time or solo founders. We want to see a full-time dedicated founding team.

From the early Macintosh team: Andy Hertzfeld, Chris Espinosa, Joanna Hoffman, George Crow, Bill Atkinson, Burrell Smith and Jerry Mannock

5. Show us a real MVP or prototype

This is incredibly important so I’ll say it again: show us a real MVP. One of the criteria to join the Founders Program is to have a working prototype. A lot of startups are refused because they do not show us a proper MVP. We want to see what you have built. Showing us a drawing, a text description, a powerpoint presentation, or one basic screen-shot doesn’t help us see that you have a working product. Take the MVP step seriously and show us as much as you can of your product.

Hint: we recommend sending us a filmed product demo but we also accept other formats as well.

7. Keep your buzzwords on the low.

We got it, you’re working on the next best thing. But buzzwords don’t impress us. Don’t lose us in the jargon of doing some VR/AR IOT Crypto AI-powered thing. Tell us simply what you are working on, why it matters, and what you have done so far. This is much more powerful than all the latest technology terms piled together.

8. Be honest about what you share.

Do you know who reviews your applications? The Station F team and the Selection Board. We ask you to be as honest as possible when sharing information — don’t make up numbers or facts. And please note that everything you share is confidential. That said, if you don’t want certain information shared with the us or with the Selection Board, don’t include it in your application. Please note, however, that the decision not to include some information could impact your application.

Hint: Take a look at the Selection Board to get an idea of who is reviewing your application.

9. Check that you are aligned with the Founders Program philosophy.

Do you know why you are joining the Founders program? Is it just to say that you’re at STATION F? Well, that’s no good. We want startups that adhere to our philosophy and learning model. The Founders Program relies on 3 pillars but flexibility and community are at the heart of what we do. Startups in the Founders Program come to learn from one another and share with each other. They are required to participate in a monthly meeting with their Guild.

Hint: If you’re not interested in playing an active role in the Founders Program community, this program is not for you.

10. Boost your application with recommendations

Get a current startup in the Founders Program, a VC, or someone from our Selection Board to vouch for you. It will boost your application.

Hint: don’t include a recommendation from someone you don’t know very well, it won’t help.

💥 All clear? Now time to apply! 💥



Station F

We are the world’s biggest startup campus. Open 2017 in Paris Initiative by @Xavier75 - Director: @RoxanneVarza