STATION Featuring: Des Traynor, cofounder of Intercom [Video]

Joey Greiner
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2017


Des Traynor is cofounder of the customer messaging service Intercom. This Irish startup found success in Silicon Valley and is now headquartered there. Des visited STATION F to share with us some wisdom on growing your startup and keeping your customers happy.

Like why they relocated from Dublin to San Francisco:

“At the time, in 2010–2011 there was no STATION F, so it was very much like if you want to be a soccer player you go to Britain. If you want to be an actor, you go to Hollywood; if you want to do a startup, you go to San Francisco.”

He also talks about how tools like Intercom, Dropbox, and Stripe can be used like big Lego blocks to help build a new startup.

In this interview Des goes into detail about how the real challenge for startups is what’s going to differentiate them from the competition. Whether it’s:

· Sheer product quality: Having the best designers, programmers.

· Brand dominance: top of mind in category.

· Unique group to market: partnerships with great companies who will distribute their product for them.

He answers helpful questions like: which should take priority between sales, marketing & product.

Get Des’ take on these topics and more in the video!

Des also gave a workshop to STATION F resident startups about how customer Onboarding is the New Conversion.

Want to see more of our STATION Featuring series? Watch Brian Solis, digital analyst, speaker and award-winning author!

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Joey Greiner

Cofounder @woojoapp / former Comms & Social Media @joinstationf / MBA @EMLVParis /House DJ from NYC in Paris/